mapbox / mapbox-annotation-extension

Framework extensions that can be used with the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS.
ISC License
11 stars 18 forks source link

Carthage Access #64

Open Tapestes opened 4 years ago

Tapestes commented 4 years ago

This extension is a fantastic idea. Running into an issue with Carthage. When I run carthage update --platform ios, I get "Segmentation fault: 11". When I comment out github "mapbox/mapbox-annotation-extension" ~> 0.0.1-beta.1, Carthage updates as expected. Any thoughts?

binary "" ~> 5.6
github "mapbox/mapbox-events-ios" ~> 0.10
github "mapbox/mapbox-annotation-extension" ~> 0.0.1-beta.1
captainbarbosa commented 4 years ago

@Tapestes Can you let us know which Carthage version you're using and whether or not updating your version helps? Also, are you seeing this when installing with CocoaPods? We'd probably want to find out if this is an issue specific to Carthage or this library.

1ec5 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that this repository has ever been compatible with Carthage, since it uses CocoaPods internally to manage its dependencies:

Tapestes commented 4 years ago

I don't run CocoaPods. Carthage version is 0.34.0, which I believe is the latest. I manually installed, so this isn't blocking for me. If you can get it working, cool. If not, not a big deal for me. Gracias.