Use style with Terrain (RGB-encoded DEM) source and layer
Navigate to any sea area
Link to Demonstration
Coordinates are set to [0, 0], middle of the ocean, and there is of course no tiles for that region so tileset returns multiple 404.
Expected Behavior
As claimed in the issue tilesets should return 204 (No Content) for such cases
If this happens the "idle" event does not fire, so if our program depends on it it gets stuck. Any workarounds? Any way to make these failed requests fire the "error" event?
mapbox-gl-js version: 2.0.0
browser: Chrome, Firefox
Steps to Trigger Behavior
Link to Demonstration Coordinates are set to [0, 0], middle of the ocean, and there is of course no tiles for that region so tileset returns multiple 404.
Expected Behavior
As claimed in the issue tilesets should return 204 (No Content) for such cases
Actual Behavior
404 (Not Found) is returned