Open linze99 opened 1 month ago
mapbox-gl-js version:3.7.0
1.Add a symbol layer 2.setting paint property: "symbol-z-offset": ["get", "height"],(with height property in properties) 3.zoom in an out
mapboxgl.accessToken = "your token"; const data = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [ { geometry: { coordinates: [-74.01495191750769, 40.706305039438774], type: "Point" }, type: "Feature", properties: { name: "test point1", height: 8 } }, { geometry: { coordinates: [-74.01443955717765, 40.70647273530287], type: "Point" }, type: "Feature", properties: { name: "test point2", height: 5 } } ] }; const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: "map", projection: "globe", zoom: 18, center: [-74.013575, 40.706069], pitch: 57, bearing: 27 }); map.on("style.load", () => { map.addSource("test_labels", { type: "geojson", data: data }); map.addLayer({ id: "test_labels", type: "symbol", source: "test_labels", layout: { "text-field": "{name}", "text-size": 15 }, paint: { "symbol-z-offset": ["get", "height"], "symbol-elevation-reference": "ground", "text-color": "#000000" } }); console.log(map.getStyle()); });
When zoom in or out, mapbox-gl raise some exceptions,then the symbox dispeared
This looks like a bug, thanks for creating an issue, @linze99.
I have the exact same issue with mapbox-gl: "^3.7.0".
mapbox-gl: "^3.7.0"
mapbox-gl-js version:3.7.0
Steps to Trigger Behavior
1.Add a symbol layer 2.setting paint property: "symbol-z-offset": ["get", "height"],(with height property in properties) 3.zoom in an out
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
When zoom in or out, mapbox-gl raise some exceptions,then the symbox dispeared