mapbox / mapbox-gl-native

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[Android] MapBox Search Bar Crashes When Letters are Typed into it #16497

Open RSiddiqui99 opened 4 years ago

RSiddiqui99 commented 4 years ago

Hey everyone,

I am using the Google Maps API for the map portion of my app, and MapBox for the search bar, and autocomplete suggestions when the user types into the bar. I've followed this documentation so far.

But when I run my program, the search bar does appear, but whenever anything is typed into it my app crashes.

This is what the search bar before clicking on it looks like (The search bar object that I made):

After clicking the bar and the MapBox Search Bar appears:

Build Gradle:



Activity Launch: Mapbox.getInstance(getApplicationContext(), "My key");

After clicking search bar: public void onClick(View v)

            Intent intent = new PlaceAutocomplete.IntentBuilder().accessToken(Mapbox.getAccessToken()).build(GoogleMapsActivity.this);
            startActivityForResult(intent, 8888);

OnActivityResult: if (requestCode==8888 && resultCode==RESULT_OK) { CarmenFeature feature = PlaceAutocomplete.getPlace(data); locateSearchResult(feature.address()); }

Expected Behavior: Search bar provides suggestions when letters are typed into it Actual Behavior: App crashes when letters are typed into search bar

Thank you