mapbox / mapbox-maps-flutter

Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps for Flutter powered by Mapbox Maps SDK
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How to get Map coordinates on taping on the map #51

Closed Shiba-Kar closed 1 year ago

geisterfurz007 commented 1 year ago

You can use the onTapListener callback on the map:

Shiba-Kar commented 1 year ago

@geisterfurz007 its not giving the exact latitude and longitude of the tapped location in the map its returning the coordinates of the screen.

geisterfurz007 commented 1 year ago

@Shiba-Kar That's what the returned class wants you to believe. If you print the values, you should see globe coordinates. If that is not the case, you can always convert between screen and map coordinates with the respective methods on MapboxMap.

Shiba-Kar commented 1 year ago

@Shiba-Kar That's what the returned class wants you to believe. If you print the values, you should see globe coordinates. If that is not the case, you can always convert between screen and map coordinates with the respective methods on MapboxMap.

How to convert between screen and map coordinates with the respective methods on

geisterfurz007 commented 1 year ago

MapboxMap#coordinateForPixel MapboxMap#pixelForCoordinate

LjubiTech-Maxko commented 1 year ago
import 'package:mapbox_maps_flutter/mapbox_maps_flutter.dart';
import 'package:turf/turf.dart' as turf;

// Callback for MapWidget onTapListener
Future<void> onTapListener(ScreenCoordinate coord) async {
  // coord is actually map coordinates, and conv is converted value to actual screen coordinates.
  final ScreenCoordinate conv = await _mapboxMap!.pixelForCoordinate(
      coordinates: turf.Position(
        coord.y, coord.x,
Shiba-Kar commented 1 year ago

@geisterfurz007 @LjubiTech-Maxko thanks !!! 👍🏼

Shiba-Kar commented 1 year ago
  1. Callback for MapWidget onTapListener

    Future _addPin(ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate) async {
    var conv = await _mapboxMap.coordinateForPixel(screenCoordinate);
    final coordinates = conv['coordinates']! as List<Object?>;
    var x = => e as num).toList();
    var position = Position.fromJson(x);
    await _positionMarker(
        "totempole", "assets/images/user_totem.png", position);
  2. Place the marker on the map
Future _positionMarker(
      String name, String assetName, Position position) async {
    final ByteData bytes = await rootBundle.load(assetName);
    var list = bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
    var x = await _mapboxMap.annotations.createPointAnnotationManager();
    var xx = await x.create(
        image: list,
        geometry: Point(coordinates: position).toJson(),

Does not place the marker where the tap is registered it is positioned very off from the tap place !!.

geisterfurz007 commented 1 year ago

Again: You receive map coordinates from the callback, not screen coordinates. You do not have to convert anything. The class is called ScreenCoordinate but that is not accurate. Do yourself and others in the thread a favour and print the value you get from the callback to verify this and understand how to continue to work with them.

Shiba-Kar commented 1 year ago

@geisterfurz007 ScreenCoordinate confused me !!. yes it works as it should .

   {x: 43.59772105745384, y: 52.233343976845674}