You used green color for both low and moderate congestions in MBXTrafficPlugin.m in setupPropertiesFor method. You also show heavy congestion with orange color and severe congestion with red color. I compared these colors with the colors in DayStyle.swift in MapboxNavigation; low: #77C344(green) , moderate: #F3A64F(orange), heavy: #E93340(red), severe: #8A0F38(very dark red). There is a conflict between them. Did you do that on purpose?
You used green color for both low and moderate congestions in MBXTrafficPlugin.m in setupPropertiesFor method. You also show heavy congestion with orange color and severe congestion with red color. I compared these colors with the colors in DayStyle.swift in MapboxNavigation; low: #77C344(green) , moderate: #F3A64F(orange), heavy: #E93340(red), severe: #8A0F38(very dark red). There is a conflict between them. Did you do that on purpose?