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Coding style - let the flame wars begin ;-) #44

Open wilhelmberg opened 7 years ago

wilhelmberg commented 7 years ago

Disclaimer: opinions are my own, suggestions/additions welcome!


Building on @david-rhodes's Mapbox Unity SDK Review from Nov 2016 every now and then we've been discussing how to format our code.

I think it's again time to discuss and decide on at least a few - especially with the current talks about opensourcing. We should have consistent formatting/naming when going public.

Let's start with my favourite:

tabs vs. spaces

I, personally, will never understand why anyone would ever want to use spaces - yeah, sue me 😏 But, if we decide to use spaces I have no problem with that. I already had changed all my editors and Visual Studio to spaces - yet we often end up with mixed tabs/spaces. I've never used MonoDevelop that comes with Unity, but my hunch is that's were the tabs might come from.

Please enable display of whitespaces in your IDE/editor - tabs vs spaces will pop right into your eye!

Below are all my code formatting settings from Visual Studio. I wanted to check if there are equivalent settings in Xamarin Studio but it doesn't start anymore - even after repairing, un-installing and installing latest version from

This are the settings exported from Visual Studio, mabye they can be imported into Xamarin Studio:






wilhelmberg commented 7 years ago

Another one.

I prefer

tile.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -,
    0, -
^^^ just one tab


tile.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -, 
                        ^^^^^ endless amount of spaces
david-rhodes commented 7 years ago

I prefer tabs over spaces. FWIW, when I change my C# formatting to Visual Studio style in Xamarin, it checks the convert tabs to spaces option box. Is that default in VS? In any case, I think we should use tabs.

I like private fields to have an underscore and start with a capital letter private int _Level;

I personally prefer lower case for private fields. The reason is that public modifiers should be used rarely, but Unity encourages developers to throw them around whenever they want something exposed in the inspector. This is wrong (and Unity will automatically properly name fields in the inspector if named _something, to `Something). Uppercase for anything that might be exposed to another object + methods, lowercase for anything private.

I like to have code that belongs together as compact as possible - opening brackets on same line and if it's a very short statement sometimes even everything on one line:

I don't mind having longer documents. Often, it's easier for me to spot matching braces when they are horizontally aligned (new line). I usually avoid simple one-liners like: set { this.zoom = value; } just to avoid formatting inconsistencies, but I won't fight to the death for this.

I prefer to have braces even for one liners. It's just so easy to overlook this when refactoring and adding a second statement:

So much yes!

tile.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -, 
                        ^^^^^ endless amount of spaces

I usually let my IDE handle multi-line statements. I'm actually not sure how to change formatting rules related to this because it never bothered me enough to change them. If it starts looking funny, I just auto-format the document. How do you modify this setting in VS, @BergWerkGIS?

wilhelmberg commented 7 years ago

I prefer tabs over spaces. FWIW, when I change my C# formatting to Visual Studio style in Xamarin, it checks the convert tabs to spaces option box. Is that default in VS? In any case, I think we should use tabs.

πŸŽ‰ tabs πŸŽ‰ Yes, spaces are default in VS.

I personally prefer lower case for private fields.

I'm ok with that. It's just when looking at longer methods that extend beyond the screen where I cannot see the variable definition I like to defer method or class scope from the name. Saves moving the mouse over the variable and checking the icon: image

I don't mind having longer documents. Often, it's easier for me to spot matching braces when they are horizontally aligned (new line).

Yeah, virtual space is cheap. No problem with whatever we decide on, VS has nice highlighting, bracket matching and collapsing: image

I usually avoid simple one-liners like: set { this.zoom = value; } just to avoid formatting inconsistencies

Me too, but I like to break my own rules sometimes - makes me feel like a revolutionary

I usually let my IDE handle multi-line statements.

Me too, Ctrl+k+d (format document) plus Ctrl+Shift+s (save all) happen automatically without thinking about it almost every few seconds.

How do you modify this setting in VS

I just put in a new line after new Vector3( and then the rest happens automagically.

david-rhodes commented 7 years ago

@BergWerkGIS Bringing this thread back to life since we will actually need to enforce these standards before open-sourcing (preferably). Honestly, this should be a trivial task and many of us can contribute in different areas simultaneously to split up the work. covers most of what we've described above.

I will add:

/cc @isiyu because we discussed this during our planning session Friday.