Note: If this is a bug or support ticket, please provide the following information:
Unity version: 2020.3.34f1
Scripting Runtime Version: (na)
Scripting Backend: Mono
Api Compatibility Level: .NET standard 2.0
Mapbox SDK version: v2.1.1
The platform you're building to: Editor / Mac / Win
A description of what you're trying to do: I'm getting a NaN for the posy when trying to get a vector2d for a lat/lon pair of 90.246.../-146.834...
I'm drawing a box with a center point in the US and box bounds of 3000m radius to show the limits of a lat/lon search of aircraft positions. When I hit 3k miles, this NaN error pops and break my box drawing. Seems fine under 3k. Curious why I'm getting a not-a-number when its trying to calculate a lat of 90.246... ? What can I do to trap for this or otherwise limit the query so I can always get a real number?
Steps to recreate the bug if appropriate: Please see the attachment for the specifics.
@liquidbuddha latitude range is in between -90 and 90 so any value above 90 shouldn't happen at all. So it looks like there's something wrong with input here.
Hello, back again. :)
Note: If this is a bug or support ticket, please provide the following information:
Unity version: 2020.3.34f1
Mapbox SDK version: v2.1.1
The platform you're building to: Editor / Mac / Win
A description of what you're trying to do: I'm getting a NaN for the posy when trying to get a vector2d for a lat/lon pair of 90.246.../-146.834...
I'm drawing a box with a center point in the US and box bounds of 3000m radius to show the limits of a lat/lon search of aircraft positions. When I hit 3k miles, this NaN error pops and break my box drawing. Seems fine under 3k. Curious why I'm getting a not-a-number when its trying to calculate a lat of 90.246... ? What can I do to trap for this or otherwise limit the query so I can always get a real number?