mapbox / mapbox.js

Mapbox JavaScript API, a Leaflet Plugin
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Static API returns invalid geojson with MultiPolygon #1359

Closed nicoten closed 1 year ago

nicoten commented 1 year ago

The static API is not working with a valid MultiPolygon:

const encoded = encodeURIComponent(
        type: 'Feature',
        properties: {
          stroke: '#555555',
          'stroke-width': 2,
          'stroke-8': 1,
          fill: 'red',
          'fill-opacity': 0.3,
        geometry: {
          type: 'MultiPolygon',
          coordinates: [
                [-71.4087892, 41.828065721],
                [-71.409185236, 41.827911685],
                [-71.409329915, 41.828155902],
                [-71.40933081, 41.828158329],
                [-71.409331703, 41.828160755],
                [-71.409125443, 41.828188249],
                [-71.409039373, 41.828195505],
                [-71.408927383, 41.828204077],
                [-71.408672864, 41.828223617],
                [-71.40865877, 41.828092777],
                [-71.4087892, 41.828065721],

const style = '';

    const staticUrl = [

The URL ends up being:

this returns "Invalid GeoJSON" although I have validated it on


nicoten commented 1 year ago

I just fixed this because apparently now a polygon/multipolygon is required to follow the right-hand rule. This was not required before, been using this for several years without issue and all of a sudden none of my maps were showing.