mapbox / mapboxgl-jupyter

Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook
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Example displays base map but not points #182

Open ryan-williams opened 3 years ago

ryan-williams commented 3 years ago

mapboxgl 0.10.2 in a Python 3.8.6 kernel in Jupyter:

Code ```python with open('mapbox_token.txt','r') as f: # Must be a public token, starting with `pk` token = import os import pandas as pd from mapboxgl.utils import create_color_stops, df_to_geojson from mapboxgl.viz import CircleViz # Load data from sample csv data_url = '' df = pd.read_csv(data_url) # Create a geojson file export from a Pandas dataframe df_to_geojson(df, filename='points.geojson', properties=['Avg Medicare Payments', 'Avg Covered Charges', 'date'], lat='lat', lon='lon', precision=3) # Generate data breaks and color stops from colorBrewer color_breaks = [0,10,100,1000,10000] color_stops = create_color_stops(color_breaks, colors='YlGnBu') # Create the viz from the dataframe viz = CircleViz('points.geojson', access_token=token, height='400px', color_property = "Avg Medicare Payments", color_stops = color_stops, center = (-95, 40), zoom = 3, below_layer = 'waterway-label' ) ```

mapboxgl jupyter widget showing base map but no points

I expected to see points on the map, like in the screenshot in the docs: jupyter screenshot from docs showing points on a map

df looks vaguely reasonable / non-empty: jupyter widget showing geojson dataframe

Also note the UserWarning mentioned in, not sure if it's relevant:

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/ UserWarning: Consider using IPython.display.IFrame instead
  warnings.warn("Consider using IPython.display.IFrame instead")

What am I missing? Thanks.

ryan-williams commented 3 years ago

examples/notebooks/circle-vector.ipynb is basically the same viz, but constructed differently (it doesn't use df_to_geojson), and it works for me… not sure what the issue is with the df_to_geojson example

korompaiistvan commented 2 years ago

the problem is that it tries to parse 'points1.geojson' as a geojson string itself. you have to save the output of df_to_geojson to a variable and pass that to CircleViz instead. the main example is simply not correct