mapbox / mapboxgl-jupyter

Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook
MIT License
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Improve documentation about how Mapbox API & Tokens work #57

Open ryanbaumann opened 6 years ago

ryanbaumann commented 6 years ago

Documentation and tests should:

  1. How Mapbox GL JS does or does not require a Mapbox Access token.
    • Mapboxgl-Jupyter uses the Mapbox GL Style Spec, an open source specification for map styles.
    • If the style sheet you specify as the style_url does not use resources from Mapbox APIs - which means that you created a style sheet yourself from public or locally hosted map data sources - then a Mapbox Access Token is not required.
  2. How user data added to a visualization layer is never sent to Mapbox.
    • Mapbox GL JS renders all data used in a visualization locally on the client using Geojson-VT.
    • No data included as a layer from mapboxgl.viz.*(data) is sent to Mapbox APIs in any way.
  3. What metadata about an map tile API request is sent to Mapbox.
    • Creferrer, IP Address, User Agent
  4. What a Mapbox Access Token does
    • Associates API requests made to Mapbox with a user account
    • Meters API access based on user account

Test should:

  1. Ensure that a local non-Mapbox hosted style sheet and resources work ->
  2. Ensure that a non-mapbox tile resource, such as ArcGIS server WMS or WFS layer served as Geojson, works appropriately in Mapboxgl-Jupyter.
astrojuanlu commented 5 years ago

More information on this would be great :+1: