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Mapping and Aligning road network in Taiwan based on new Mapbox imagery and Strava #233

Closed jothirnadh closed 7 years ago

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago


Add/ realign the roads in Taiwan using Mapbox satellite imagery and Strava

taiwan_freedom_plaza_11-12-2007f Freedom Plaza, source: Wikipedia

Here is the breakdown of cities we are going to concentrate map:

Major roads alignment as per Mapbox imagery

City name Task link Start date End date kms of road # persons worked
Taipei & New Taipei #26 21/09/2016 21/22/2016 694 12
Taoyuan City #27 22/09/2016 22/09/2016 434 16
Hsinchu #28 22/09/2016 22/09/2016 341 8
Taichung #29 22/09/2016 23/09/2016 1187 19
Yilan #30 23/09/2016 23/09/2016 507 17
Tainan #31 23/09/2016 23/09/2016 860 9

Minor roads alignment as per Mapbox imagery

City name Task link Start date End date kms of road # persons worked
Taipei & New Taipei #32 27/09/2016 27/22/2016 832 10
Taoyuan City #34 27/09/2016 28/09/2016 1283 10
Hsinchu #35 28/09/2016 28/09/2016 517 10
Taichung #40 28/09/2016 29/09/2016 3640 20
Tainan #41 29/09/2016 29/09/2016 2253 20
Yilan #42 29/09/2016 29/09/2016 1843 10

Major and Minor roads alignment as per Mapbox imagery

City name Task link Start date End date kms of road # persons worked
Kaohsiung #43 29/09/2016 30/09/2016 4097 20
Taipei, New Taipei & Taoyuan Outskirts #44 30/09/2016 03/10/2016 2566 18
Taichung Outskirts #39 03/10/2016 03/10/2016
Hsinchu Outskirts #45 03/10/2016 03/10/2016
Tainan Outskirts #46 03/10/2016 04/10/2016
Yilan Outskirts #47 04/10/2016

Major and minor road alignment as per bing imagery

City name Task link Start date End date kms of road # persons worked
Chiayi County - 1 #48 04/10/2016
Chiayi County - 2 #49 04/10/2016
North Changhua County #50
South Changhua County #51
Chiayi County - 3 #52
Taipei north #53
Xinwu District #54
South Fengling Township #55
Hualien County #56
South of Taiwan #57

Note: Please do follow the workflow mentioned in the tasking manager for๐Ÿ‘† tasks

Team: @mapbox/team-data along with the OSM-Taiwan community

Features to map: All major roads, from tertiary and above

Available data sources: Mapbox imagery and Strava cycling and walking heatmap


Changeset comment - Add/realign streets #

Changeset source - Mapbox Satellite, Strava heat map

cc: @mapbox/team-data

maning commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-09-21 at 15 18 10 This intersection looks like it should be connected from southeast to northwest Should we connect?

maning commented 7 years ago


Supaplextw commented 7 years ago

It seems there is a connect road from the lane to the main street, both for cars and pedestrians

Supaplextw commented 7 years ago @maning I'm not sure which intersection do you mean. Could you use a mark to pin down?

maning commented 7 years ago

@Supaplextw This one:

Supaplextw commented 7 years ago

@maning Ya. A connect road and the entrance to the parking lot for the commercial building.

maning commented 7 years ago

Ya. A connect road and the entrance to the parking lot for the commercial building.

@Supaplextw Thanks! Connected now.

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

We completed 64% ๐Ÿš€ of the Taipei task in 3 hours with a team of 12 mappers, which implies each person is completing 5 blocks per hour on an average ๐Ÿ’ฅ . There is a total of 1158 blocks in Taiwan tasks yet to be mapped. As per estimated stats with current workflow, we need 3 days for mapping and 3 more days for validation with 20 active mappers (including Peru).

cc: @mapbox/team-data

maning commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 14 45 05

These two sections of a motorway overlapped, they have different layer tags, so I assume they are on different levels/height from the ground. @Supaplextw Can you confirm?

Way ID below:

Supaplextw commented 7 years ago

Ya, it's a overlap expressway in the city.

unsungNovelty commented 7 years ago


Only one road is traced for layer=3 and layer=2 in the above case. But is separately drawn after the intersection. What should I do in the case? Should I trace a separate road or is there a particular reason why only one road is trace? Can you please help @Supaplextw?

maning commented 7 years ago

OMG! Taiwan!

Please watch out for the layer tags.

maning commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 15 48 00 location:

The tertiary looks like a dual-carriageway and should not connect to the single traffic signal base on imagery.

maning commented 7 years ago

To verify layer for complex interchanges, use the Layer checker paint style in JOSM. View > Map Paint Styles > Map pain preferences.

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 16 03 24

Colour codes based on various layers are as tabulated

Color Layer No.
Green 1
Cyan 2
Purple 3

Beyond layer 3 the colour remains same (Purple).

abhisheksaikia commented 7 years ago

@Supaplextw Is this an elevated U-turn or an error. Can you please go through it? Link:

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 4 56 39 pm

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

We completed Taipei mapping task and added/aligned 694 Kms of roads all together in 2 days ๐Ÿ’ฅ . This is a huge lift off road network improvement in Taiwan and is never possible without the support of OSM-Taiwan community ๐Ÿ‘ . It would be great if the community can help us in validating the task and give us consistent feedback to improve present workflow.

Here is the breakdown of Taipei mapping effort:

If we continue mapping with such certainty we can even add/align minor roads (residential, unclassified and service roads) as a secondary round of mapping phase in Taiwan.

Next actions:

cc: @lxbarth @srividyacb @maning @jacquestardie

bsrinivasa commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 7 38 00 pm

This way is running over a river and it has no layer tag or bridgetag. Can someone with local knowledge check if the data is correct around this road?

Also, the roads at the interchange seems to have no proper layer tags tagged for the ways.

The bridge=viaduct is tagged as layer=4 at one side and layer=5 for the opposite side which runs for a long distance.

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 7 50 58 pm Highways at Interchange with no proper `layer=` tags*

It would be great if anyone from the community can help us on these issues.

Here are the way-ids.

cc @Supaplextw

ridixcr commented 7 years ago

help me please


overlaping between the way and buildings when aligning the way according Strava and Mapbox Satellite

cc. @jothirnadh @maning

assanges commented 7 years ago

Hi, it's me assanges. And I guess some of you all had heard of me already.

image And I still active on this specific area which I lived hereby, of which I noticed Mapbox analyst had edited again. haha Please kindly take my Strava activity ( or GPX uploaded ( for reference, and attached official file as well. Many thanks!

For image



abhisheksaikia commented 7 years ago

Taiwan update and next actions:

The @mapbox/team-data have almost completed aligning major roads in these 4 cities: Taipei, New Taipei, Hsinchu and Taichung ahead of schedule ๐Ÿ’ฅ .

Next actions in Taiwan realignment:

cc @shvrm @maning @srividyacb

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

Align major roads in next two cities where satellite imagery is already rendered: Tainan and Yilan; @jothirnadh to create the tasks and update this ticket.

The tasks for Tainan and Yilan are created. Jump into these tasks once we are done with Taichung

cc: @mapbox/team-data

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

overlapping between the way and buildings when aligning the way according to Strava and Mapbox Satellite

@ridixcr if the buildings are overlapping with the imagery, make sure that the buildings are aligned to imagery as well. It is documented in the workflow as well.

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

@Yurasi I came across a road which you aligned as per Strava heat map screen shot 2016-09-23 at 12 02 43 pm Link

The alignment is supposed to be made as per the Mapbox satellite imagery but not Strava heat map. Just use Strava heat map for support when you are not sure of the road alignment/existence. The reason for this is Strava heatmap consists of the GPS traces from walking and cycling profiles, which lie on the sides of the roads most of the time. In the above case, there is a separate cycling track next to the tertiary road where Strava activity is more. Please make a note of this issue in further mapping @mapbox/team-data .

bsrinivasa commented 7 years ago

Hello @assanges ,

Thank you for validating our edits during adding/aligning the roads in Taiwan. We used the existing Mapbox imagery for realigning roads in that area. We tried editing it back but seems like it's hard to track things on the ground, as the imagery is a bit old. It would be great if you can revert/make changes of our edits with your local knowledge so that the map is up to date. Thank you for providing the various sources. Will keep these issues in mind going forward. It would be awesome to have your feedback and participation in helping us validate the task

maanyaumashaanker commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-09-23 at 4 03 13 pm

Could someone please confirm how far does this road having as its way Id continue?

cc @Supaplextw

assanges commented 7 years ago

Hi @bsrinivasa ! Thanks for your fast reply! And yeah, I agreed that it's hard to revert after many edits without field research, and I shall take this from here, a big big thanks again for you and your teammates' effort!

kagami3421 commented 7 years ago

Hello @maanyaumashaanker . The secondary road ends tertiary road refenences Y4(ๅฎœ4) , therefore the road in your screenshot should be unclassified road.

abhisheksaikia commented 7 years ago

We completed adding/aligning more than 4000 Kms of major roads all together in 3 days in 6 cities in Taiwan๐Ÿ’ฅ . There has also been continuous validation and help from the Taiwan community while we have mapped. A massive thanks to the community for their efforts from @mapbox/team-data ๐Ÿš€. It would be great to continue working with the community in the validation work in these 6 cities. The team will also move ahead with aligning minor roads in Taipei once the validation of these 6 cities is completed.

Here is the breakdown of Taiwan mapping effort:

Next actions:

cc: @Supaplextw @assanges @kagami3421 @lxbarth @jacquestardie

abhisheksaikia commented 7 years ago

Diary post on Taiwan mapping progress is out:

unsungNovelty commented 7 years ago

@mapbox/team-data, While validating the task in Yilan, I came across some issues in the data.

Case 1:


Let's make sure the road is aligned to the centre of the road in satellite imagery

Case 2:

issue2 _Make sure the motorway_junctions are realigned to where the road splits_

Case 3:

aligningjunctions While realigning roads in junctions, always make sure the road that crossings the junction is also realigned in a straight line.

Let's make sure we are checking all these above cases and updating appropriately while validating the data.

abhisheksaikia commented 7 years ago

As a reminder to everyone already validating, or jumping in on validation process of major roads in Taiwan -

misalignment1 Bing vs. Mapbox Imagery misalignment example

cc @mapbox/team-data

abhisheksaikia commented 7 years ago

There are cases of satellite imagery distortion in Mapbox. Distortion can be identified by sudden curves in long stretches of highways which are generally straight. Let's keep an eye out for such issues while aligning and validating blocks. In case, Mapbox appears distorted double check with Bing and Strava traces to verify the distortion.


cc @mapbox/team-data @jacquestardie

geochetan commented 7 years ago

Many highways are overlapping on lot of buildings. The buildings doesn't match to any imageries (Mapbox/Bing). The user CYUT10128068 added these buildings 11 months ago.

screen shot 2016-09-28 at 4 40 51 pm

The testing buildings:

Here in this junction, the buildings are serially added.

screen shot 2016-09-28 at 5 14 37 pm

screen shot 2016-09-28 at 5 14 23 pm

The actual buildings looks completely different. (Look right side)

screen shot 2016-09-28 at 5 14 53 pm

How we are moving with this kind of overlappings? and ensure the quality of the data.

@assanges @Supaplextw @mapbox/team-data

kagami3421 commented 7 years ago

Hello @chtnha . The account is shared by some students from CYUT university(ๆœ้™ฝ็ง‘ๆŠ€ๅคงๅญธ). Their doing also preplexs us. Such as drawing buildings without considering real situation.

Now the best treatment jsut ingore them. Seriously , fix the overlapping will annoy and increase your work.

Supaplextw commented 7 years ago

The editing from CYUT ignore the real building situation. We're thinking about mass deletion of there building due to lack of response and fixing.

assanges commented 7 years ago

I agreee with kagami3421. These improper edit shouldn't set you back in efforts on alignment, leave them to we the local community to fix it.

Rub21 commented 7 years ago

Hi Everyone , Usually in alignment we should move many nodes and we need to be sure where we worked and where missing realignment to check it I am using this JOSM style which help me to check out where I modified the objects, the differences between the existing modified objects style is that this works only for modified nodes, and is more clear to me. image

littlebtc commented 7 years ago

FYI, I am adjusting the Wenxin Road (ๆ–‡ๅฟƒ่ทฏ) in Taichung again, as the train viaduct is building in the center of the road and the imagery is not updated for that.

littlebtc commented 7 years ago

In the imagery, the Wenxin Road near Wenxin Park:


The actual street view now after the viaduct is completed:


So I have to re-align the road and the railway viaduct to match the current status. Also, the orthophoto suffers offsets caused from building heavily :(

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

We completed aligning more than 10,368 Kms of minor roads all together in 3 days for 6 highly populated cities of Taiwan๐Ÿ’ฅ. Massive thanks to the OSM-Taiwan community for their support from @mapbox/team-data ๐Ÿš€. It would be great to continue working with the community in the validation work in these 7 cities. The team will move ahead with aligning minor and major roads in the outskirts of these cities.

Here is the breakdown of Taiwan mapping effort:

Next actions:

cc: @Supaplextw @assanges @kagami3421 @lxbarth

Yurasi commented 7 years ago

Hi team! I have a question, must we change the highway=* tag? i.e. We find some street with highway=service tag, but they should be clearly highway=residential.


But also there are some of them tagged as highway=road (which are motorable), and I'm wondering how much important is change them because of the navigability of the city through all the motorable roads.


cc: @Supaplextw @assanges @kagami3421

maning commented 7 years ago

@Yurasi, lets focus on realigning for now. The community can then review the road class.

jothirnadh commented 7 years ago

Great work @mapbox/team-data and OSM Taiwan community ๐Ÿ‘ . We are almost done with aligning roads in the top 7 cities of Taiwan where new Mapbox imagery was added. Let's keep up the zest and continue the mapping quest to the other parts of Taiwan as well ๐Ÿš€ .

In the other parts of Taiwan, the Mapbox imagery is limited to zoom 17. So, from now on let's stick to Bing imagery for mapping. Will post more updates on the upcoming tasks. Let's start off with Chiayi County - 1 task for now.

Thanks for coordinating with us so far OSM Taiwan community ๐Ÿ™‡ , it would be great if the community members can validate the completed tasks and give us feedback to improve our workflow.

Andygol commented 7 years ago

In some places Mapbox and Bing imagery is shifted. You may align them using Strava heatmap as reference.

@maing: This is not an issue on flat areas so they should only adjust for areas within rugged/sloping terrain.

I use ๐Ÿ‘‡ this values for and Bing offset - -0.00; 4.33 Mapbox offset - -0.15; 5.82

oct-04-2016 17-51-11

kagami3421 commented 7 years ago

Hello @Yurasi . Your change is correct and helps me a lot. But changing road class is our task I should do.

Those service road is tagged by me when starting contributing OSM in 2014~2015. I've considered the Lane (ๅทท) should tagging as service road , but other guys say my tagging schema is wrong. Therefore I changed my schema after according to OSM wiki.

unsungNovelty commented 7 years ago

@mapbox/team-data - In case you find any alignment/offset issues in the Satellite Imagery that is being used for a task, always cross check the area with Strava heat map for aggregated GPS traces before adding/modifying the data. Below are the two Strava heat map TMS layers that can be added to JOSM:

maning commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-10-11 at 16 38 35 Taiwan Bing imagery offsets at

Currently, we provide imagery offset adjustment through the specific TM when we use Bing. There is a db for storing and sharing imagery offset that is integrated in JOSM. Should we update the Imagery Offset DB so the community can use it too?

@Supaplextw @assanges @kagami3421 @littlebtc Is this something that the OSM-TW community use for their editing with Bing?

cc/ @Andygol @jothirnadh @abhisheksaikia @srividyacb @planemad

Andygol commented 7 years ago

@maning I โค๏ธ โ˜๏ธ

as I know this offset db is used in Vespucci -

littlebtc commented 7 years ago

I was using the JOSM offset plugin when dealing with Bing.

luiswalter commented 7 years ago

The way to use the alignment layer Bing are not very good in this area - imagen strava and bing

It was worked with Satellite MapBox which alignment is very good.

imagen mapbox satellite

What are the values to consider higher value to align properly? Bing o Mapbox satellite

@Rub21 @jothirnadh @maning