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[Germany] Reviewing osmlint-osmium and osmlint data issues #364

Open vladaboitsik opened 3 years ago

vladaboitsik commented 3 years ago


Our team extracted data from OSM for Germany, and checked it via osmlint-osmium and osmlint. We found 25k+ issues to review and resolve. The output of all the linters can be found here. Link to the OSM wiki page.

We are planning to review all the detections and help resolve the issues on existing data in OSM. We welcome help in fixing these issue -- ping us with any updates.


We are going to start addressing issues identified by the linters on October 12. Based on past experience, we expect about 1500 of the 25 473 issues detected in Germany to be resolved.


During our work we are going to use standard OSM tools for editing: iD and JOSM editors; Bing, Maxar, Esri satellites data; and Mapillary street level images and other open sources that are compliant with OSM.

Contact person

If you have a question about a specific edit, please comment in the changeset, message the mapper who did it, or email Natallia ( as the manager of the project.

Used hashtag

#mbx_germany_roads is the unique hashtag for the changeset comments.

Linter output

issue Germany Files
crossinghighways 8678
crossinghighwaysbridges 19
crossinghighwaysbuildings 11691
impossibleangle 532
impossibleoneways 1899
islandshighways 1692
mixedlayer 89
tr-excessiverolestr 162
tr-invalidroletr 64
tr-missingroletr 433
tr-missingtyperestrictiontr 214

Here are some examples:

Impossible oneways is one of the 11 categories of linters:

-here we see two oneways from different direction are meeting in one point


There are problems with the connection of roads near polygons, especially parking lots. Parking lots in Germany are often mapped by polygons without lines (roads) inside the polygon and since there are no lines inside the polygon, routing will not work. Such example you can find here


Also found unconnected service roads. To be routable, they should be connected into the road network. You can find example here


More examples: Unconnected roads 1.


Unconnected roads 2.


Your comments and questions are welcome here

@legain @Andygol @abrohood @shvrm

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago claim that OSM community was contacted "in forum" without specific link

I see no link in or here

Which forum you used? Please link a specific thread.

vladaboitsik commented 3 years ago

Hi, @matkoniecz ! We contacted with this community. I added this link to the page. Thanks for your remark.

sonyahilchik commented 3 years ago

As part of ongoing work to improve the quality of OpenStreetMap data, we are planning to do one more iteration for detecting issues related to road network data in Germany. We plan to start reviewing detected issues in August, and editing OpenStreetMap data to fix valid issues. Our plan is to review detected issues in Germany, and fix any valid issues in OpenStreetMap.

mbx_germany_roads is the unique hashtag for the changeset comments.

Editor: iD or JOSM Satellite Imagery: Bing, Maxar, Esri Street Level Imagery: Mapillary, Other open sources if available

We welcome feedback, suggestions, and insights from local mappers. If you have questions about this work, or a specific edit by our team, please reach out to Vlada at or post a comment in a changeset.

Strubbl commented 3 years ago

Street Level Imagery: Mapillary, Other open sources if available

E.g. is also used for Street Level Imagery.

sonyahilchik commented 3 years ago

@Strubbl hey! thank you for this information, we will keep in mind it.

sonyahilchik commented 3 years ago

Linters output for new iteration

issue amount files
crossinghighways 1366
impossibleangle 251
impossibleoneway 684
islandshighways 1607
mixedlayer 90
tr-excessiverolestr 190
tr-invalidroletr 70
tr-missingroletr 598
tr-missingtyperestrictiontr 207

matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

Note that

(1) taking validator reports (2) making low quality edits that hide validator warning and damage OSM data (rather than fixing actual problem) (3) refusing to undo or fix edits after receiving info that edit damaged OSM data (4) commenting

Hi! thank you for your feedback. Correct me if i wrong, please. Best regards!

is insulting, not acceptable, not helpful and utterly pointless.

What kind of instructions were given to employees? Are they paid/measured based on how many errors detected by validator were silenced? Note that "validator was silenced" does not mean "problem was fixed".

Are you planning to undo damage to data that you caused and was spotted by local community actually caring about map quality? Rather than expecting to mappers that you disturbed will clean up that damage?

And why service road entrance that clearly leads to a garage or underground parking was mapped as entrance=yes?

This specific is about but it seems that many other edits have similar problems

(this is copy of )

vladaboitsik commented 2 years ago

Hi, @matkoniecz ! We addressed these issues. Also will prepare more specific documentation about how we work with the Linters and about our approach in resolving issues mentioned in feedback. Always open for your comments and feedback.

Copy of comment (link)

sonyahilchik commented 2 years ago

For a month we reviewed 2349 items and fixed 1574 of them.

Screenshot from 2021-10-05 13-49-16

We'll continue our work and will update this ticket with metrics about our fixes.

sonyahilchik commented 2 years ago

For October the team reviewed 1861 items and fixed 60.93% from them.

Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 14 16 12

We'll continue our work and will update this ticket with metrics about our fixes.

sonyahilchik commented 2 years ago

For November the team reviewed 3199 items and fixed 53.40% from them.

Screenshot 2021-12-07 at 14 22 48