mapbox / mbtiles-spec

specification documents for the MBTiles tileset format
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MBTiles - metadata - suggestion for OpenStreetMap support #35

Closed mj10777 closed 8 years ago

mj10777 commented 11 years ago

In the 'Roadmap' text it is suggesting that support for the OpenStreetMap naming convention is being considered.

'The format will switch tile ordering to the XYZ schema popularized by OpenStreetMap and away from the Tile Map Service specification.'

I would like to suggest the following:

add a 'metadata' name: name='tile_row_type'

with (at the moment) 2 possible values:

'tms' 'osm'

A reader could then check for 'tile_row_type':

I am the author of the Bash-Shell script

this tool was developed as a helper to determine a tile address from a WSG84-position (for both tms and osm) or to determine a WSG84-position from a tile address (for both tms and osm).

Today I have added the functionality of creating a .mbtile database from an existing tile-directory

Here I have added the metadata name 'tile_row_type', setting the value always to 'tms' - since all readers (at the moment) assume this. I will be doing the same for a QT based map library that reads tile-directorys and show the result on a map.

There are also Android applications, that together with their format (similar, yet different) also can read the present mbtiles format.

For this reason I would also suggest adding a name 'calibration_point'

Adding these 2 values for reading applications to use would, I believe, encourage a wider use of the .mbtiles format.

Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany

tmcw commented 10 years ago

While we'd love to go back and never use TMS for the silly historical reasons we did, it's important to remember that, as a rather heavily-adopted specification, breaking changes like supporting XYZ (which would break old readers with new files) would be tough to justify.

For this reason I would also suggest adding a name 'calibration_point' the default being '-180,-85.0511,180,85.0511'.

What would another value be, for example? I'm not clear on what the usefulness of this feature would be and how it's related to the tiling scheme.

mj10777 commented 10 years ago

2014-06-16 20:24 GMT+02:00 Tom MacWright

While we'd love to go back and never use TMS for the silly historical reasons we did, it's important to remember that, as a rather heavily-adopted specification, breaking changes like supporting XYZ (which would break old readers with new files) would be tough to justify.

For this reason I would also suggest adding a name 'calibration_point' the default being '-180,-85.0511,180,85.0511'.

What would another value be, for example? I'm not clear on what the usefulness of this feature would be and how it's related to the tiling scheme.

I agree to the why. but there are database created that use a 'calibration_point' and start at that point with tile 0,0 (OruxMaps) for one - for what ever reasons that I do not understand

  • this making it clear that this information should be included in the file
  • and not as others due in an extra file that may not be included

Otherwise the others (that I wrote in August 2013) ideas was mainly adding 'metadata' parameters

Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany

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tmcw commented 10 years ago

I agree to the why. but there are database created that use a 'calibration_point' and start at that point with tile 0,0 (OruxMaps) for one - for what ever reasons that I do not understand

This sounds like a bug in software that implements MBTiles, that should be fixed in that software, not MBTiles.

tmcw commented 8 years ago

Closing; this behavior is documented and should be implemented as in the spec.