Users should be able to install the Node.js bindings (and all tools in this project) via npm install transit. The common way we do this at Mapbox is as follows:
[x] Bundle dependencies via Mason and install them before building the project
[x] Let Travis build and publish binary dependencies for your transit.node Node.js bindings
[x] Follow the docs for node-pre-gyp on how to build and publish binaries to our mapbox-node-binary s3 bucket
[x] Follow this PR for creating an aws user with permissions; you need to tokens to let Travis copy artifacts to the s3 bucket (use osrm's ci.template.js as starting point, the one in the PR has some issues ...) - you can publish locally first to see if it works; mbx auth, then follow the steps in the node-pre-gyp docs.
Users should be able to install the Node.js bindings (and all tools in this project) via
npm install transit
. The common way we do this at Mapbox is as follows:transit.node
Node.js bindingsnpm publish transit
-- Moved to's the Pull Request for node-or-tools