mapbox / nepomuk

A public transit router for GTFS feeds (currently only static) written in modern c++
MIT License
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Random Tape Test failures #168

Open MoKob opened 7 years ago

MoKob commented 7 years ago

The current test set-up exhibits a broken behaviour on Travis-CI. On some runs, we show a missing test in running npm test on the node/nepomuk directory.

The test is not failing itself but rather seems to depend on some sort of race condition, shutting down the tape test before succeeding in its execution, showing test count !== plan as error.

MoKob commented 7 years ago

It seems like everytime the above issue happens, we see /home/travis/build/mapbox/nepomuk/mason_packages/headers/cppzmq/4.2.1/include/zmq.hpp:444: void zmq::context_t::close(): Assertionrc == 0' failed.` thrown as an error beforehand.