I want to use subscript numbers with a mapbox map. Like "₄" (subscript four). It looks like node-fontnik does not include those even though the font include them.
I generate the glyphs with:
build-glyphs OpenSans-Bold.ttf ./glyphs
And then inspected them with:
inspect glyphs/8192-8447.pbf --html > 8192-8447.pbf.html
The resulting html page has no information on the subscript numbers. The subscript numbers are not shown in mapbox-gl-js either. Suberscript numbers work fine.
I want to use subscript numbers with a mapbox map. Like "₄" (subscript four). It looks like node-fontnik does not include those even though the font include them.
Here are some information on subscript four: https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2084/index.htm
Open Sans seem to have subscript four in some styles, but not all. https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans?preview.text=8₄&preview.text_type=custom
I generate the glyphs with:
build-glyphs OpenSans-Bold.ttf ./glyphs
And then inspected them with:
inspect glyphs/8192-8447.pbf --html > 8192-8447.pbf.html
The resulting html page has no information on the subscript numbers. The subscript numbers are not shown in mapbox-gl-js either. Suberscript numbers work fine.