mapbox / node-or-tools

Node.js bindings for or-tools vehicle routing problems
MIT License
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Problem when providing pair of pickup and delivery indices #63

Open sinaabadi opened 5 years ago

sinaabadi commented 5 years ago


There is this issue where providing a pair of pickup and delivery indices would lead to this error message: Unable to find a solution

Expected Behavior

It should return a valid route order based on cost array.

Current Behavior

Returns Unable to find a solution

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Copy node-or-tools/test/vrp.js file content to a new file
  2. Remove all assertions
  3. Add a pair of pickup and delivery indices in searchOpts.
    pickups: [4, 7],
    deliveries: [7, 10]

Context (Environment)

I have a pair of pickup and delivery indices and I want to visit one or more stops before visiting others.

This is my code snippet. You could see that if we remove the pickup and delivery indices, the code will work but after adding aforementioned indices, it returns Unable to find a solution

module.exports = () => {
  const ortools = require('node_or_tools')
  var locations = [
    [0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3],
    [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3],
    [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3],
    [3, 0], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 3]]

  var depot = 0

  function manhattanDistance(lhs, rhs) {
    return Math.abs(lhs[0] - rhs[0]) + Math.abs(lhs[1] - rhs[1])

  var costMatrix = new Array(locations.length)

  for (var from = 0; from < locations.length; ++from) {
    costMatrix[from] = new Array(locations.length)

    for (var to = 0; to < locations.length; ++to) {
      costMatrix[from][to] = manhattanDistance(locations[from], locations[to])

  var dayStarts = Hours(0)
  var dayEnds = Hours(3)

  var seed = 2147483650

  function ParkMillerRNG(seed) {
    var modulus = 2147483647
    var multiplier = 48271
    var increment = 0
    var state = seed

    return function() {
      state = (multiplier * state + increment) % modulus
      return state / modulus

  var rand = ParkMillerRNG(seed)

  function Seconds(v) {
    return v

  function Minutes(v) {
    return Seconds(v * 60)

  function Hours(v) {
    return Minutes(v * 60)

  var durationMatrix = new Array(locations.length)

  for (var from = 0; from < locations.length; ++from) {
    durationMatrix[from] = new Array(locations.length)

    for (var to = 0; to < locations.length; ++to) {
      var serviceTime = Minutes(3)
      var travelTime = Minutes(costMatrix[from][to])

      durationMatrix[from][to] = serviceTime + travelTime

  var timeWindows = new Array(locations.length)

  for (var at = 0; at < locations.length; ++at) {
    if (at === depot) {
      timeWindows[at] = [dayStarts, dayEnds]

    var earliest = dayStarts
    var latest = dayEnds - Hours(1)

    var start = rand() * (latest - earliest) + earliest
    var stop = rand() * (latest - start) + start

    timeWindows[at] = [start, stop]

  var demandMatrix = new Array(locations.length)

  for (var from = 0; from < locations.length; ++from) {
    demandMatrix[from] = new Array(locations.length)

    for (var to = 0; to < locations.length; ++to) {
      if (from === depot)
        demandMatrix[from][to] = 0
        demandMatrix[from][to] = 1

  var solverOpts = {
    numNodes: locations.length,
    costs: costMatrix,
    durations: durationMatrix,
    timeWindows: timeWindows,
    demands: demandMatrix

  var VRP = new ortools.VRP(solverOpts)

  var numVehicles = 10
  var timeHorizon = dayEnds - dayStarts
  var vehicleCapacity = 10

// Dummy lock to let vehicle 0 go to location 2 and 3 first - to test route locks
  var routeLocks = new Array(numVehicles)

  for (var vehicle = 0; vehicle < numVehicles; ++vehicle) {
    if (vehicle === 0)
      routeLocks[vehicle] = [2, 3]
      routeLocks[vehicle] = []

  var searchOpts = {
    computeTimeLimit: 1000,
    numVehicles: numVehicles,
    depotNode: depot,
    timeHorizon: timeHorizon,
    vehicleCapacity: vehicleCapacity,
    routeLocks: routeLocks,
    pickups: [4, 7],
    deliveries: [7, 10]

  VRP.Solve(searchOpts, function(err, solution) {

    function used(v) {
      return v.length == 0 ? 0 : 1

    function addition(l, r) {
      return l + r

    var numVehiclesUsed =, 0)

    function checkRoute(v) {
      var depotInRoute = v.find(function(u) {
        return u == depot

    function checkTimeWindows(v) {
      v.forEach(function(u) {


