mapbox / npm-internal

helps you package internal npm modules and upload them to your own s3 bucket.
MIT License
11 stars 3 forks source link

Engineering Standards Inventory #34

Closed vsmart closed 5 years ago

vsmart commented 5 years ago

Required Elements

If any elements in the below list are not checked, this repo will fail standards compliance.


Total possible: 30 points (+2 bonus) Grading scale:

Point Total Qualitative Description Scaled Grade
28+ points Strongly adheres to eng. standards 5
23-27 points Adheres to eng. standards fairly well 4
18-22 points Adheres to some eng. standards 3
13-17 points Starting to adhere to some eng. standards 2
9-12 points Following a limited number of eng. standard practices 1
< 9 points Needs significant work, does not follow most standards 0

Repo grade: 14 -- Scaled Grade 2

Although the grade could be higher: a lot of the rubric related to alarms, monitoring does not necessarily apply to libraries like this.

cc @mapbox/assembly-line

vsmart commented 5 years ago
