mapbox / osm-bright

A Carto template for OpenStreetMap data
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osm2pgsql imported planet slow queries #58

Open pavel-rosputko opened 12 years ago

pavel-rosputko commented 12 years ago

I imported a full planet via osm2pgsql.

For example "SELECT way, way_area AS area, COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE way_area > 100000 ORDER BY way_area DESC ) AS data" query


SELECT ST_AsBinary("way") AS geom,"area","name","type" from ( SELECT COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type, name, way_area AS area, ST_PointOnSurface(way) AS way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND ST_SetSRID(way,900913) && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(242458.2537205777 5068997.967759746,243681.2461731433 5070220.960212312)'::box3d, 900913) AND ST_IsValid(way)  UNION ALL

  SELECT 'building' AS type, name, way_area AS area,     ST_PointOnSurface(way) AS way   FROM planet_osm_polygon   WHERE name IS NOT NULL     AND building NOT IN ('', 'no', '0', 'false')     AND ST_SetSRID(way,900913) && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(242458.2537205777 5068997.967759746,243681.2461731433 5070220.960212312)'::box3d, 900913)     AND ST_IsValid(way)   ORDER BY area DESC ) AS data

hangs forever. Does anyone encounter this problem?

When I import only my city rendering also takes reasonable time.

jazzzz commented 12 years ago

The problem is the ST_SetSRID function, I fixed it in the pull request #57. Upgrade and retry.

pavel-rosputko commented 12 years ago

Thanks! It started working for small areas like cities. But it still hangs for large areas like a whole continent with 4 zoom level.

SELECT ST_AsBinary("way") AS geom,"admin_level" from ( SELECT way, admin_level + FROM planet_osm_line + WHERE boundary = 'administrative' + AND admin_level IN ('2','3','4') + ) AS data WHERE "way" && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(-6261721.35712164 -1252344.271424328,1252344.271424328 6261721.35712164)'::box3d, 900913)

kapouer commented 11 years ago

The queries in project.mml are clearly not optimized for levels below 3 or 4.

SELECT count(*) FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE way_area > 1000000

and landuse_gen0 filters by way_area > 100000, so for low levels it would return a lot of rows.

springmeyer commented 11 years ago

@kapouer - yes, this is true, the osm2pgsql based queries are not very optimized, since this recent stylesheet development put more emphasis on the imposm based schema. But ideally both could be optimized.

kapouer commented 11 years ago

@springmeyer i actually had a big problem elsewhere (was testing vector tiles...). Sorry for my not-so-relevant comment.

YingcaiDong commented 3 years ago

Thanks! It started working for small areas like cities. But it still hangs for large areas like a whole continent with 4 zoom level.

SELECT ST_AsBinary("way") AS geom,"admin_level" from ( SELECT way, admin_level + FROM planet_osm_line + WHERE boundary = 'administrative' + AND admin_level IN ('2','3','4') + ) AS data WHERE "way" && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(-6261721.35712164 -1252344.271424328,1252344.271424328 6261721.35712164)'::box3d, 900913)

Have you still getting this result after using the indexing?