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update kml layer failure fixture, #67 #68

Closed mapsam closed 8 years ago

mapsam commented 8 years ago

This updates the fixture for KML layer failures (> 15 layers) to a fixture that will only fail in that spot. Previously the fixture would fail in mapnik-omnivore as well since it had no valid geometry.

This gives us a bit more flexibility in our checks, and ensures our fixtures exist for very specific needs.

I also kept the original KML and renamed to fail-more-than-15-layers-original.kml just in case. Since this is a test, no need for a version bump or release.

cc @GretaCB @BergWerkGIS

coveralls commented 8 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 94.681% when pulling 024379cf49de82bf2ecf815ef78d18dcef124e92 on update-kml-layers-fixture into fe5b3a926ae776a4cda5115bad53a5732cbfcf7d on master.