mapbox / tilesets-cli

CLI for interacting with the Mapbox Tilesets API and Mapbox Tiling Service
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Uploading source with individual feature ids that are NOT reflected in published tileset #160

Closed maxmiranda closed 2 years ago

maxmiranda commented 2 years ago

I'm uploading GEOJson to Mapbox Tiling Service, but still want to preserve individual feature ids through the vector tiles (so that I can set the feature state to join data from my database with features on the map).

The problem I'm running into is that even though I clearly specify an integer "id" in each of my features (GEOJSON snippet attached), when I click on each of the features in Mapbox Studio, the id has clearly been randomly generated. Is there something very slight I'm missing that will help me to preserve the proper feature ids??

Note: I read this but still don't know why my feature id isn't being registered

GEOJSON Snippet ``` { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "id": 53318076736, "geometry": { "coordinates": [ [ [ -122.1240234375, 37.37015718405751 ], [ -122.1240234375, 37.36906577935824 ], [ -122.12265014648438, 37.36906577935824 ], [ -122.12265014648438, 37.37015718405751 ], [ -122.1240234375, 37.37015718405751 ] ] ], "type": "Polygon" } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -122.1240234375, 37.37015718405751 ], [ -122.1240234375, 37.36906577935824 ], [ -122.12265014648438, 37.36906577935824 ], [ -122.12265014648438, 37.37015718405751 ], [ -122.1240234375, 37.37015718405751 ] ] } }, ```
Recipe.json ``` { "version": 1, "layers": { "grid": { "source": "mapbox://tileset-source/username/tilesetname", "minzoom": 11, "maxzoom": 13, } } } ```
maxmiranda commented 2 years ago

@e-n-f let me know if this is something you have any experience with!

e-n-f commented 2 years ago

@maxmiranda Sorry, I no longer work at Mapbox, and it is not obvious to me from looking at your GeoJSON what might be going wrong.

maxmiranda commented 2 years ago

For anyone experiencing similar issues: the solution I realized was simply to create a new tileset and re-upload the source geojson files, the next time they would be accurately reflected in Mapbox studio.