Closed divysts closed 1 year ago
Perhaps this is a bug that has since been fixed in For me it completes in less than 6 seconds:
➤ ./tippecanoe --version
tippecanoe v2.26.1
➤ time ./tippecanoe --minimum-zoom=1 --read-parallel --buffer=127 --simplification=1 --layer=layer_id_name --no-feature-limit --no-tiny-polygon-reduction --preserve-input-order --no-line-simplification --extend-zooms-if-still-dropping --force --drop-rate=0 --maximum-tile-bytes=500000 --coalesce-densest-as-needed --output-to-directory=outputfolder ../Downloads/AfghanistanRoads_UTM42N.geojson
../Downloads/AfghanistanRoads_UTM42N.geojson:188: Reached EOF without all containers being closed: in JSON object {"type":"FeatureCollection","name":"AfghanistanRoads_UTM42N","crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::32642"}},"features":[]}
../Downloads/AfghanistanRoads_UTM42N.geojson:250: Found ] at top level:
1409 features, 176394 bytes of geometry, 1095 bytes of string pool
99.9% 14/11305/6659
real 0m5.723s
user 0m7.258s
sys 0m4.605s
This tile generation can take time due to less I/O PS of the file system
While the tile generation part is smooth in most cases while generating tiles tippecanoe get stuck in tile generation state while generating tile in some cases. It does not throw an error in that case even after hours. File size is very low 1.5MB
tippecanoe --minimum-zoom=1 --read-parallel --buffer=127 --simplification=1 --layer=layer_id_name --no-feature-limit --no-tiny-polygon-reduction --preserve-input-order --no-line-simplification --extend-zooms-if-still-dropping --force --drop-rate=0 --maximum-tile-bytes=500000 --coalesce-densest-as-needed --output-to-directory=/outputfolder /usr/src/app/local/AfghanistanRoads_UTM42N.geojson 1409 features, 157464 bytes of geometry, 18455 bytes of separate metadata, 555 bytes of string pool
If there is an error while processing certain files tippecanoe should ideally throw an error . I am attaching my geojson file in zip format since github doesnot allow geojson format file