mapbox / windows-builds

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compile on windows ('mapnik::svg::grammar::parse_rule()': function template has already been defined (compiling source file ..\..\src\svg\svg_path_grammar_x3.cpp)) #113

Open am2222 opened 6 years ago

am2222 commented 6 years ago

Hi, While I want to compile mapnik on windows with VS 2015 but I get this error

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2995   'bool mapnik::svg::grammar::parse_rule(unknown-type,Iterator &,const Iterator &,const Context &,Attribute &)': function template has already been defined (compiling source file ..\..\src\svg\svg_path_grammar_x3.cpp) mapnik  E:\Personal\Project\MApnik\windowsBuild\windows-builds\packages\mapnik-master\include\mapnik\svg\svg_path_grammar_x3_def.hpp    186 

and this

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2995   'bool mapnik::svg::`anonymous-namespace'::grammar::parse_rule(unknown-type,Iterator &,const Iterator &,const Context &,Attribute &)': function template has already been defined    mapnik  E:\Personal\Project\MApnik\windowsBuild\windows-builds\packages\mapnik-master\src\svg\svg_parser.cpp    114 
Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2668   'mapnik::svg::grammar::parse_rule': ambiguous call to overloaded function (compiling source file ..\..\src\svg\svg_transform_parser.cpp)    mapnik  E:\Personal\Project\MApnik\windowsBuild\windows-builds\packages\mapnik-master\mapnik-gyp\mapnik-sdk\include\boost\spirit\home\x3\nonterminal\rule.hpp   116 

can some one helps with this problem?

wilhelmberg commented 6 years ago

@am2222 VS2015 is not able to compile latest master of mapnik because of the latest C++ features mapnik uses. Currently we are transistioning the build scripts to VS2017 - although this might still take a few weeks.

mapnik@v3.0.x might still work with VS2015, but I haven't check lately.

To use that branch call settings.bat like this:

settings "MAPNIKBRANCH=v3.0.x"
am2222 commented 6 years ago

thanks very much, I'll try that branch.