mapcentia / geocloud2

The GC2 framework helps you build a spatial data infrastructure quickly and easily. Powered using open source components for a scalable solution focused on freedom rather than fees.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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two issues #140

Open geodyj opened 4 months ago

geodyj commented 4 months ago

1) no effect when setting " point to layer" with the following function:

function(feature, latlng) {
    return L.marker(latlng, {
        icon: L.ExtraMarkers.icon({
            icon: 'fa-home',
            markerColor: 'blue',
            shape: 'circle',
            prefix: 'fa',
            iconColor: '#fff'


function(feature, latlng) {
    return L.marker(latlng, {
        icon: L.icon({
            iconUrl: "",
            iconSize: [25, 25],
            iconAnchor: [12, 12],

2) vidi map can not display the Chinese word labels correctly, maybe the source code of vidi don't use UTF-8 encoding? because the database data is displayed OK.

geodyj commented 4 months ago

and 3) no response when add raster layers, for example, the sample data

  • SIMRAIN_1km_6320_550.tif
  • SIMRAIN_1km_6320_551.tif

and other DEM data

mapcentia commented 4 months ago

Issue number 1: Did you switch your layer to "Vector":


Could you provide a screenshot with the incorrect Chinese characters?

geodyj commented 4 months ago

issue 1 is now ok when using font-awesome icon, but CORS happened when using .svg file which located on my own server. issue 2 looks like: image

the database is ok, like image