mapcomponents / react-map-components-maplibre

A react component framework for declarative GIS application development.
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Feature: Enable PMTile protocol support #186

Open micheal-w-wells opened 3 days ago

micheal-w-wells commented 3 days ago

@mapcomponents/react-maplibre version:

Feature description

PMTile vector sources can be rendered


<MlPMTileLayer or MlVectorTileLayer


For react devs using maplibre your library is a clear win, however some of us are using pmtile files and its not super intuitive to add a new protocol just yet

cioddi commented 3 days ago

In my opinion the useAddProtocol hook provides the required functionality to work well with the pmtiles package. We are using pmtiles too in our MapComponents application. iirc there have been some issues with Github pages (where all the examples are hosted) and byte range requests, which are required for pmtiles to work.

The example from pmtiles can be easily adapted to work with MapComponents though.

// This line should be outside of your react component
let protocol = new pmtiles.Protocol();

// This line inside your react component
    protocol: 'pmtiles',
    handler: protocol.tile

// In the JSX
<MlVectorTileLayer url={'pmtiles://https://URL_TO_YOUR_PMTILES/{z}/{x}/{y}'} />

If you provide an example that is not working now, we can take a look at it.

micheal-w-wells commented 2 days ago

Thanks very much for the help! Your example is very straight forward, but I don't seem to be able to get it to work. If you checkout that branch, and cd app && nvm use 20 && npm install && npm run dev you can run the app and you should see some blue circles on the west coast of North America (BC to be more specific). The commented out 'old way' of adding the PMTile layer is in a hook near the top of the file.

EDIT: This branch got a bit closer, but gives a 'invalid PMTile URL error: issue_example_2

cioddi commented 2 days ago

I have created a pull request for your repo that fixes the implementation. PMTiles URL was missing ZXY placeholders. I have now also added them in the example above.

The examples in the pmtiles repo are working too though. The props object passed to the protocol handler in the pmtiles repo examples has a type property with the value json, in all of my implementations it has the value arrayBuffer. I do not know yet how that is determined.

micheal-w-wells commented 1 day ago

Thank you again for the help and insight!