mapeditor / tiled

Flexible level editor
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Suggestion: implement support for extra palette (color palette). #1077

Open laetemn opened 9 years ago

laetemn commented 9 years ago

Implement support for extra palette... !?

bjorn commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry, but what does this mean? What are you trying to do and how do you expect Tiled to help you with it?

0ion9 commented 9 years ago

I think this person is talking about palettes in the 'color palette' sense, and overall they are asking for the ability to select between multiple color palettes for any given tile (since this is indeed a technique that was used by NES, SNES, Genesis, GBC, GBA etc). So for example they might want to be able place a blue steel girder, a grey steel girder, or a green steel girder by using the same single tile and swapping tile palette.

This technique can be especially effective for small tiles (~8x8), as their design tends to be simple enough that they can be reused to represent different things (using palette swaps, V/Hflips or 90-degree rotations.)

bjorn commented 9 years ago

I think so too, but you can achieve the same thing by just having multiple versions of your tiles since Tiled does not have the hardware limitations of ancient consoles. It would likely even be easier to do it this way than when you'd actually need to somehow control which palette is used for each tile on a layer, not to mention the effort that would require on my side for the implementation of such a feature.

If somebody is actually still developing games for this type of hardware, then I think they will anyway need to write an exporter/converter that would produce some hardware-specific map format. Setting up the palette for each tile could be part of that process.

Anyway since these are assumptions, I'm still interested to hear from the original author what he is expecting Tiled to do for him. I'd like to make Tiled more flexible, and this may still be an interesting feature. For example for use with Tilengine.

0ion9 commented 9 years ago

I think so too, but you can achieve the same thing by just having multiple versions of your tiles since Tiled does not have the hardware limitations of ancient consoles

Having tried to do this, I disagree. If there are more than a few variations -- for example, I had 16 color variations in my test -- then, while generating the variations is easy, finding the same tile in the alternate color you want can become pretty onerous, especially with small tiles.

IOW: I don't disagree with that approach in principle, but to make it usable requires some additional UI.

I had an idea for a simple implementation that generalizes to any kind of variation wanted : simply select the same tile(s), by xy coords, in the next / prev tileset, as are currently being used. In case that sentence is too lumbering, a few examples:

There are a few possible refinements on this idea, but I think the basic idea is very simple, easily understandable (put variants in the same location of the tileset image) and requires no engine changes or UI widgets.

I think tile properties on the 'base tiles' (tiles in tileset A, in my example) could, as you suggest, be used at export time to infer that the variation should, ingame, be done via palette swapping.

A refinement of the basic idea might use tileset properties to 'group' tilesets so that the next/prev commands only move through the tilesets you want (for example, moving into a tileset where the identified tiles are empty space probably isn't what you want.)

TLDR: I agree with you, Bjorn, on explicit palette-swapping support being unneeded, and think that we could support a generic 'variants' mechanic by simply adding a pair of shortcuts that select the currently used tiles by position from the next/prev tilesets.

laetemn commented 9 years ago

0ion9 ...

Exactly! You are exactly right!

The intention is to use different color palettes, 100% (if possible) identical to the original consoles.

For example, the game "Odallus: The Dark Call" ( was developed using the color palette of the NES, according to the developers.

MetaFight commented 2 years ago

I know this issue hasn't been active in a while, but I just wanted to express an interest in this as well.

Here's my use case: I have just dumped the tiles and level data from a NES game. My goal is to write an unnoficial "remaster" of this game as game-dev practice.

I currently have everything rendering as expected in Tiled, but the palette I used when dumping the data is... drab.

I now find myself wanting to play around with my export palette but the best way to validate my new palette is by viewing it in a rendered map. Sure, I can re-export repeatedlu and switch to Tiled, but it would be nice to be able to update the palette directly in Tiled and watch the changes live.

I know this is probably a fairly ucommon use case, but I figured I'd just give my 2 cents.

eishiya commented 2 years ago

As bjorn mentioned earlier in this thread, the way to go is to use different tilesets for each palette version of the tileset. It should be very easy to recolour your base tileset into each palette you want, and to create tilesets out of them. Then, you have a couple of options for using these coloured tiles easily:

MetaFight commented 2 years ago

Heya. Thanks for your suggestions. I'll be honest, they both seem overly complicated to me.

I'll just modify my tile/map dumper to dump a large bitmap with the full level map in indexed colors and tweak the palette in Gimp. Once I'm happy with a palette I'll re-dump my tiles with it applied.

That's more or less the experience I was looking for: A way to view a rendered map and tweak the global palette to taste.

FitzRoyX commented 10 months ago

I think so too, but you can achieve the same thing by just having multiple versions of your tiles since Tiled does not have the hardware limitations of ancient consoles.

It has very little to do with saving ramspace and more to do with reducing repetitious work. The problem is that with nes games that use tons of palette swapping (smb1), you're talking about expanding a tileset from 48 tiles to 480. Something that could be small and simple with a palette selection dropdown instead becomes a giant scrollfest.

The other problem is that any artistic change done to a tile must now be repeated 10 times to effectuate that change across 10 palette variations. It's the same concept behind why tile flipping makes sense to support. When you've got a house where one half is 12 tiles and the other half is just a mirror image of the other half, you wouldn't want to repeat artistic edits across both sides.

And since Tiled also lacks the ability to rearrange tilesets in a way that updates tmx files with the new index positions, inserting new palette variations into a tileset is guaranteed to break all of your maps. So there's all these mental gymnastics about how to even arrange a these giant variation-ridden tilesets from the beginning when it shouldn't even be a concern.

IMO the tiled map format should allow palettes to be defined at the top and then the csv should look like:


This is extremely clear and easy to read textually outside of the editor. I can immediately read that and say that the first tile of the map is 7, uses palette 1 and is horizontally flipped.

eishiya commented 10 months ago

I think your suggestion would be too much of a compatibility break. Instead, perhaps some bits could be taken away from tile IDs in the GID to encode the palette. The highest four bits encode the flip flags, perhaps the next four or five could be used for the palette ID, still leaving 20+ for the tile ID.

However, with actual native palette support being extremely rare in modern engines and APIs, I don't think this is a great feature for Tiled, especially since Tiled already provides a way to distinguish between multiple variants of a tile: tilesets. Some image editors, such as Aseprite, can be set up to generate all the palette versions of a base tileset automatically, and the Automapping method I described earlier in this thread can even allow you to set have tile+palette combinations in your production maps for use with e.g. palette shaders or palette-supporting consoles without having to ship all the recoloured tiles and without having to even worry about the fact that the recolours exist as separate tiles (i.e. no scrolling required!). The automapping rules for this can be set up via scripting as well.