mapero / node-red-contrib-hangouts

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node deprecated ... alternatives ? #19

Open zosky opened 6 years ago

zosky commented 6 years ago

its a real drag that reverse engineering hangouts is the only option. i tried moving to pushBullet. it works, but i didn't want to migrate the whole family. anyone else who's wanting to hold out,

im using sendxmpp in ubuntu ... in nodeRed using an exec node and the cmd 'echo {{payload}} | sendxmpp -m {{to}}'

mic159 commented 6 years ago

Hangouts Chat has a bot API, maybe someone can make a node-red plugin for that!

Hangouts Chat integrates with regular Hangouts, so I assume the bots could use the integration to talk to people on regular hangouts using this.

Isaksson commented 6 years ago

You need a G Suite subscription to use the new bots.

mic159 commented 6 years ago

Damn, didn't realise

Isaksson commented 6 years ago

I have now moved to Telegram instead, and the Node RedBot, its very simple to get started, after an hour or so I had moved all my Hangout integrations/logic over to this new solution.