mapero / node-red-contrib-hangouts

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cannot resolve gaia_id #5

Closed beireken closed 8 years ago

beireken commented 8 years ago

Is it possible the node does not work with some accounts? I have setup the config node to send from my account A.

As a recipient i set up account B.

I get the following error;

Error: Cannot resolve gaia_id from contact:

When i just change the recipient to another account, it works fine.

mapero commented 8 years ago

Did you accept the invitation on both sides? I have to check if there is an easier way to lookup the gaia_id. It seems it sometimes fails.

beireken commented 8 years ago


I have succesfully sent a message to that account on a different node-red install. BUT only once. It now returns the same error.

mapero commented 8 years ago

In hangout you have to accept a new contact. I'll check later.

beireken commented 8 years ago

I never saw an invitation of some sort :)

P1Rebo commented 8 years ago

I've experienced the same issue. It somehow ran at a time, but now the error msg comes up, but just with the outgoing node.

P1Rebo commented 8 years ago

After playing around modifying the recipients list it seems to work again.

mapero commented 8 years ago

I updated the node, can you please check. Now you can enter a gaia_id, email or the fallback_name. If you still have trouble, start node-red with node-red -v to enable debug mode. It will print your available contacts in the console window.

You should have chatted with the account at least once.

beireken commented 8 years ago

when i use the recipient email i get the following error now: TypeError: undefined is not a function

It works with gaia_id, but my own account does not. Unless i'm using the wrong id. How can i find my correct id?

Also in debug i can see some of my contacts and their emails and id's. My own account is in there, but not with my own email. That's strange

mapero commented 8 years ago

Check if you have an email address set in your profile.

I don't understand by "but my own account does not". You can not send a message to your self. Hangouts creates a conversation, and you need at least to participants in this conversation.

When exactly does this error pops up? Can you provide your flow so i can reproduce it?

beireken commented 8 years ago

I have set an email address in my account settings.

Sorry if i wasn't clear. I have 2 accounts, one for testing and my personal account. If i use the testing account, i can send messages to other accounts using their gaia_id except to my own account. That is why i was wondering how to get my own gaia_id. Because maybe it's just that what's the problem.

If i use my own account to send messages to other accounts it also works.

There's not mucht flow to post. It's just an injector coupled to the hangouts node. When i press the inject button i get that error in the debug pane. I'm injecting a basic string. But i only get that error when using emails in the recipients. When i use gaia_id's in the recipients field it seems to work fine.

mapero commented 8 years ago

Can you please login in with booth accounts and create an conversation. Also please check if there is really no invitation pending, see

beireken commented 8 years ago

There are no invitations pending on both accounts! I have created a conversation wiht bot accounts. Still same error.