Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
Clarification: This is an iPad-only feature.
Original comment by
on 15 Apr 2010 at 5:16
I will likely do this in the next release, but I actually think the new web
interface is easier to use than iTunes
transfer would be, provided you have a w-fi network.
Original comment by
on 15 Apr 2010 at 6:22
Actually, even better than iTunes transfer would be Dropbox support--store any
file in your Dropbox folder on your computer's hard drive/upload it to your
account (, and you'd be able to open it (using their free app) in
Frotz. It's by far my preferred method. See here if unfamiliar:
Original comment by
on 28 Jun 2010 at 7:23
Actually, this is not an iPad-only feature. It works on iPhones as well (at
least on my iPhone 4). I just used it to upload some comic book CBR files to
use with Comic Zeal.
I do have to say that it would be a nice way to be able to upload games.
Original comment by
on 31 Aug 2010 at 10:20
Well, I've looked into it and I'm afraid iTunes File Sharing is a no-go, at
least with the current iOS.
The File Sharing area in iTunes does not support Folders, and Frotz organizes
its games, saved games, splash screens, and other metadata in separate folders,
as well as making a separate folder for each story's saved games.
Turns out, if there are folders in an app's shared Documents folder, you can
see them in iTunes, but you cannot drag files into them, and you cannot look
inside them (although you can drag the entire folder out, which is not so
I am unwilling to completely reorganize Frotz's file structure so that
everything would be visible at the top-level in iTunes. (For Saved games, this
wouldn't even work because of naming collisions.)
If at some point the ability to use Folders in File Sharing is added to iTunes,
I will add the capability to Frotz.
I will still look into adding Dropbox support, though.
Original comment by
on 8 Sep 2010 at 1:08
Good news. Although iTunes File sharing didn't work out for now, I have been
able to get the new universal file handling API to work.
This means Dropbox support will be available in the next version (for devices
running iOS 3.2.x and 4.x).
Just so you know, when you view a Zcode file in Dropbox, it will say "Unable to
view file" in the pane, which isn't very helpful and makes you think it's not
going to work. But you can actually click the "Open" button (top right on
iPad, bottom right on iPhone) to get a menu that will let you open the story in
Frotz. (I would send feedback to the Dropbox devs and suggest they reword the
"Unable to view" message when the filetype is supported by other installed
You will also be able to launch Frotz with a Zcode attachment from Mail, or
click on a Zcode download link in Safari. (Which is actually kind of ironic
since by SDK rules Frotz isn't allowed to download the file itself... it will
now be much easier to deal with the restriction. The downside is that Frotz
won't know where the file came from so it won't know the long title or icon to
Original comment by
on 11 Sep 2010 at 4:05
More good news!
In addition to launch Frotz by selecting a file/attachment and using "Open
In..." from Mail, Safari, Dropbox, Good Reader, and other apps, I was able to
implement automatic synching of Saved Game files using Dropbox.
In Frotz 1.5, you can link Frotz to your Dropbox account and all saved game
files will be available across multiple iOS devices running Frotz, or from any
computer running Dropbox in /Frotz/Saves/<gamename>.d/ (or whatever folder you
I am closing this issue for now, since I think these other features more than
provide equivalent functionality, and I won't consider adding iTunes sharing
until Apple makes folders work better with it.
Original comment by
on 5 Nov 2010 at 5:28
Original issue reported on by
on 11 Apr 2010 at 3:40