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phil to send me details on deployment structure #15

Open mikelmaron opened 10 years ago

mikelmaron commented 10 years ago
mikelmaron commented 10 years ago

Hey Mikel, here are the steps I need you to take to set up the repositories, and roughly how the flow will work:


  1. Create a repository under the Map Kibera gitub organization.
  2. Add me (uniphil) as a contributor. It might be good to add dgadmin as well.

I will handle pushing the app to that repository.

  1. What is the plan for the production domain?


Here is what I had proposed to Catalin, and what I have been working toward. The notes are a bit long, and it might seem complex, but it should be fairly simple in practice.

For data and content updates, ie. those by GroundTruth:

For application updates and new features, ie. those by DG:

For changes that require coordinated updates between data and the application:

Well that took more words than I expected. Let me know if anything is not clear.