Open fbemm opened 6 years ago
Errors happens here:
### look for nend, nlen
for(my $j=$nmid+$nstrand;;$j+=$nstrand){
$nend=$j if $nportions->[$j][4]>-1 and $nportions->[$j][5]>=0;
print "ERROR\t",$nend,"\t",$nmid,"\t",$nstrand,"\t",$j,"\t",$nportions->[$j][4],"\t",$nportions->[$j][5],"\n";
if($j==0 or $j==scalar(@$nportions)-1 or $nportions->[$j][6]<-5){
if($j==$new_scaffolds[$i]->[8] and $nsc==$new_scaffolds[$i]->[6] and $ntq == $new_scaffolds[$i]->[13]){ # the last portion
$nlen = $nstrand>0 ? $nportions->[$nend][2]+$nportions->[$nend][3]-$nportions->[$nstart][2] :
Last lines of the bottom output is causing the error:
nend nmid nstrand j $nportions->[$j][4] $nportions->[$j][5]
1 1 1 2 -1 0
1 1 1 3 -1 0
1 1 1 4 -1 0
5 1 1 5 28 2
5 1 1 6 -1 0
25 2 1 25
It is not easy to see the problem with these information (more info needed, like genome size, seq naming and sequence number). Possibilities:
Looking forward to your feedback.
I am running HM2 on a large genome. A Canu assembly is merged succesfully while the Falcon one seems to be stuck in a loop. The last error repeats itself, memory is filling ab the the log file is seeral Gb after a day.
Any idea?
Thanks, Felix