Open a-velt opened 5 years ago
all scaffolds must be in either the hm.new_scaffolds and hm.unpaired. But if you ran hm.batchB4.refine_unpaired_sequences, then it created hm.unpaired_updated and some scaffold could be threw away because various cireteria (like high similarity, too many Ns, repeats, etc). But you can always modify these criteria in the B4 script.
Hi mapleforest,
First of all, thank you for developing this great tool! I have a question about my run. I have some sequences that are flagged as xfSc because they are unpaired, but as I understand it, in step B4, they have to go back to my assembly. This is the case for the majority of large sequences, and I have the impression that the small sequences are not put back in the assembly, it does not matter for me, it does a cleaning ! My problem is that I have a sequence of more than 1 megabases that does not come back in the assembly. But this sequence exists on my reference assembly and I want to keep it. What are the possible reasons why HM2 does not recover it?
Thank you for your help, Amandine