maplesteve / JiraTestResultReporter

A plug-in for Jenkins that creates issues in Jira for failed unit tests.
MIT License
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I Forked Your Code - Do You Want It Back?! #5

Open andrewcooke-isti opened 10 years ago

andrewcooke-isti commented 10 years ago


i needed code like this at work, so made a fork and added some features (it works with current jenkins, has a command line tool for manual creation, and inter-ops with the TAP plugin as well as JUnit and XUnit). pretty much all the code has changed (I didn't try to restrict things to a minimal patch) but you're welcome to take the code back - i can submit a merge request if that would help. feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

one possible negative is that it now assumes that Jira contains four fields - "CATS repository", "CATS branch", "CATS hash" and "CATS commit". these store git information (hash is used to retrieve items and is the hash of the repo, branch and the error). but i guess i could make that optional.

finally, thanks for doing this. it was a big help!

cheers, andrew