Closed imerzi closed 1 year ago
I don't quite understand what you are trying to achieve. Could you elaborate a little more on your motivation and maybe share some sample code of what you want to do?
Here is an example
for (final IsarAudit audit in audits) {
final Map<String, dynamic> auditGeom = await AuditEntityApiService.getGeoJson(ref,;
await mapController!.addGeoJsonSource(, auditGeom);
await mapController!.addCircleLayer(,
circleRadius: 8,
await mapController!.setCameraBounds(
west: (auditGeom['bbox'] as List<dynamic>)[0] as double,
south: (auditGeom['bbox'] as List<dynamic>)[3] as double,
east: (auditGeom['bbox'] as List<dynamic>)[2] as double,
north: (auditGeom['bbox'] as List<dynamic>)[1] as double,
padding: 100,
I'm going through several geom and I want to extend the bounds each time to match all my geom I know there is the extend method in maplibre-gl in typescript
* Extend the bounds to include a given LngLatLike or LngLatBoundsLike.
* @param obj - object to extend to
* @returns `this`
extend(obj: LngLatLike | LngLatBoundsLike): this;
Is there a way to do this ?
For now i'm implementing a way to extends bounds like this with a bbox.
LatLngBounds _extendBounds(List<String> bboxList) {
double minLat = double.infinity;
double minLng = double.infinity;
double maxLat = -double.infinity;
double maxLng = -double.infinity;
for (final String bboxString in bboxList) {
final List<String> bboxCoordinates = bboxString.split(',');
if (bboxCoordinates.length == 4) {
final double bboxMinLng = double.parse(bboxCoordinates[0]);
final double bboxMinLat = double.parse(bboxCoordinates[1]);
final double bboxMaxLng = double.parse(bboxCoordinates[2]);
final double bboxMaxLat = double.parse(bboxCoordinates[3]);
if (bboxMinLng < minLng) minLng = bboxMinLng;
if (bboxMinLat < minLat) minLat = bboxMinLat;
if (bboxMaxLng > maxLng) maxLng = bboxMaxLng;
if (bboxMaxLat > maxLat) maxLat = bboxMaxLat;
return LatLngBounds(
southwest: LatLng(minLat, minLng),
northeast: LatLng(maxLat, maxLng),
Ah, got it. That is not currently supported. If you want to open a PR, we could review it. I assume the tricky parts would be edge cases where you have to consider how exactly you want the implementation to behave. E.g. should it always return the minimal possible bounding box, even if that e.g. crosses the antimeridian etc.
Hi, i'm trying to extend the bounds to include a given LngLatLike or LngLatBoundsLike. But there is no extends in the LatLngBounds class.
Is there another way of doing this ?