maplibre / flutter-maplibre-gl

Customizable, performant and vendor-free vector and raster maps, flutter wrapper for maplibre-native and maplibre-gl-js (fork of flutter-mapbox-gl/maps)
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The layer '8PV9AZ2VbO_0' uses more data-driven properties than some devices may support. Though it will render correctly on this device, it may have rendering errors on other devices. To ensure compatibility with all devices, use 2 fewer data-driven properties in this layer. #380

Open gizTM opened 4 months ago

gizTM commented 4 months ago

I am trying to add symbols to the map using the lib. And this happened, please help.

What I did was:

And this still happened, what could have gone wrong.

PS: testing on android pixel physical device is working with warning but with emulator it warns and the markers that are fetched from server is gone black color.

Screenshot 2567-02-13 at 18 25 51 Screenshot 2567-02-14 at 11 44 17
m0nac0 commented 4 months ago

I haven't seen this warning before, but is it possible that your map style is quite complicated? Specifically uses many data expressions (see for a definition of what are data expressions)?

gizTM commented 4 months ago

First of all, thank you for replying to my issue. I very much appreciate it.

As for the map style, my team member who handled the vector map data said he didn't do much with the original 'omt-bright' style. So, I don't think the style file got much more complicated from the original file.

FYI: in flutter code, I use function controller.addSymbols() for marker and another controller.addSymbols() for the same dataset for rendering marker title text and await controller.setSymbolIconAllowOverlap(true); await controller.setSymbolIconIgnorePlacement(true); await controller.setSymbolTextAllowOverlap(false); await controller.setSymbolTextIgnorePlacement(false); AND interestingly this only appear on android emulator, I'm not sure with other low-resource android devices but our testing physical device have no problem, both ios and android.