maplibre / flutter-maplibre-gl

Customizable, performant and vendor-free vector and raster maps, flutter wrapper for maplibre-native and maplibre-gl-js (fork of flutter-mapbox-gl/maps)
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[BUG] Symbols with textFields added via the AnnotationManager don't show up on the map when using a custom glpyh source #466

Open kluku opened 1 week ago

kluku commented 1 week ago



Version of flutter maplibre_gl


Bug Description

Whenever I pass a textField parameter to the SymbolOptions, the related symbol is not visible on the map at all. When I remove textField, it appears correctly with my custom icon. This happens only when I connect to my local maptiler server (http://localhost:3650/api/maps/basic/style.json).

This server is configured in a basic way, as in the documentation. I'm using maptiler-server-map-styles-3.14.1 with the map replaced to British Isles, but that doesn't seem to matter because the map renders correctly.

If I only change a line of code: const styleUrl = 'http://localhost:3650/api/maps/basic/style.json'; to: const styleUrl = '';

then Symbols start showing up with both icons and names.

I've tried to provide fontNames parameters to symbol options and use some fonts that I can find in a subfolder of the maptiler-server-map-styles-3.14.1, like: fontNames: ['Roboto Medium'] (I also tried: 'Noto Sans Regular', 'Roboto Condensed Regular', etc.) but this didn't fix the issue.

Steps to Reproduce

As described above

Expected Results

The Symbols show up with icons and text fields

Actual Results

The Symbols are not visible when the textField parameter is provided

Code Sample

    final annotations = displayedAccounts.where((a) => a.latitude != null && a.longitude != null).map(
      (a) {
        final pos = LatLng(a.latitude ?? 0, a.longitude ?? 0);
        return SymbolOptions(
          geometry: pos,
          iconImage: 'map_marker',
          iconSize: 2,
          // textField:,
          textAnchor: 'top',
          textOffset: const Offset(0, 1.2),

    final ValueNotifier<MapLibreMapController?> mapController = useState(null);


        styleString: '$styleUrl?key=$apiKey',
        myLocationEnabled: true,
        initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(
          target: LatLng(51.5285257, -0.2667438),
          zoom: 5,
        trackCameraPosition: true,
        onMapCreated: (controller) {
          mapController.value = controller;
        onStyleLoadedCallback: () async {
          final byteData = await rootBundle.load('assets/image/map_marker.png');
          final bytes = byteData.buffer.asUint8List();
          await mapController.value!.addImage('map_marker', bytes);
          final symbols = await mapController.value!.addSymbols(annotations);
josxha commented 1 week ago

It's not really possible to reproduce this behavior with the given information. All in all however I'd assume that it's a problem with your style json and not this package. You selected all as platform. Does that mean that you tested this on web, android and ios and it had all the same result?

Some ideas for debugging:

Closing this issue for now. We can reopen it if we get further information that make it possible to reproduce the problem (e.g. the information from my suggested steps).

josxha commented 1 week ago

Related discussion here:

The bug only happens on ios and web, while android works like expected. The SymbolOptions(fontNames: ) parameter doesn't get used on web (and probably iOS too) and defaults to Open Sans Regular,Arial Unicode MS Regular.

If the map style uses a different glyph source it is not guaranteed that these fonts are available. This shows up as a 404 in the network logs of the dev tools (here for web):
