maplibre / flutter-maplibre-gl

Customizable, performant and vendor-free vector and raster maps, flutter wrapper for maplibre-native and maplibre-gl-js (fork of flutter-mapbox-gl/maps)
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[BUG] "mismatched image size" crash on web when using any PNG that isn't 32-bit RGBA #469

Open themightychris opened 6 days ago

themightychris commented 6 days ago



Version of flutter maplibre_gl


Bug Description

addImage crashes on web if you attempt to load a PNG that has been compressed with any kind of palette optimization, which most tools do. They work on android and iOS though.

You'll see an error like:

mismatched image size. expected: 12345 but got: 82944

(this error message is also backwards, expected and actual are swapped)

This took me forever to track down, the crash comes from this line:

Which seems to make an invalid assumption about how many bytes a valid PNG will be based on its width * height * channels. If this is a hard constraint with GL then the limitation needs to be better documented with addImage and the error message more helpful

Here's an example that crashes:


And then this version doesn't:


A broken PNG can be fixed (and blown up in size a bit) with ImageMagick's magick command to force it to be encoded as 32-bit RGBA:

magick drag-marker.orig.png PNG32:drag-marker.png

There's what looks like a ticket on in mapbox-gl's repository:

The suggestion there is to process the PNG data more before passing it in. Ideally the framework would just handle that as there appears to be a mountain of image processing libraries being pulled in already, but if that's the case than maybe the docs and examples could be extended.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Compress a PNG icon with tinypng or pngcrush or optipng—or save out of any editor that optimizes for web by reducing the palette
  2. Use addImage in a Flutter project to load the PNG
  3. Run the project on the web

Expected Results

The PNG renders on web just as it does on android/ios

Actual Results

Unhandled exception and addImage fails:

mismatched image size. expected: 12345 but got: 82944

Code Sample

final dragSymbol = await controller.addSymbol(SymbolOptions(
    geometry: const LatLng(39.9550, -75.1605),
    iconImage: 'drag-marker',
    iconSize: 1,
    iconAnchor: 'top'));