maplibre / maplibre-gl-js

MapLibre GL JS - Interactive vector tile maps in the browser
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Street view camera #4428

Open clement-igonet opened 1 month ago

clement-igonet commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a walker in the street, or at a mountain view point, I'd like to be able to move the view around a fixed GPS coordinate so that I can navigate in an immersive way.


Nowadays, more and more "photosphere" or "equirectangle" pictures are openly usable from web API, and it would be a killer feature to facilitate their use in maplibre library.

A P.O.C. had already been implemented as a "FPS" (First Person Shooter) extension at the old time of "OpenIndoor" project, extending ui/camera class, and move handlers. I suggest to include this feature natively in maplibre code now.

HarelM commented 1 month ago

Can this code be added as a plugin as an initial phase and see how widely this is used? Even using an example page with this plugin in the docs to improve traction...?

clement-igonet commented 1 month ago

Of course, good point to work on adoption of the feature before implementing it natively (or not).

May I use the current issue as a reference for coming work on the topic ?

As a first step, I'm going to create maplibre-gl-viewpoint github project. May it could be in maplibre space, or in my own github space (clement-igonet) ?

HarelM commented 1 month ago

Sure, whatever works for you.

clement-igonet commented 1 month ago

OK, a maplibre/maplibre-gl-viewpoint github empty project would be welcome.

HarelM commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I misread what you wrote, please create it under your space.

birkskyum commented 1 month ago

Could be related to this request for controlling our camera: