maplibre / maplibre-react-native

A MapLibre react native module for creating custom maps
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Setup and Configure Expo EAS CI/CD #337

Open tyrauber opened 1 month ago

tyrauber commented 1 month ago

In order to use Expo and EAS to build the iOS and Android app, as setup in the feat/expo branch, we need two things:

If we have these two things, we can use the eas cli tools to manage building the iOS and Android App. We can either use the EAS build services (paid building based on usage) or use the eas cli tools in github actions to build. The second option is free, but is much more difficult to share and review builds. EAS allows you to test builds by scanning a QR code, making PR reviews much easier. Regardless, an Expo EAS account is required to use the eas cli because it handles all the iOS and Android app credentials for us.

An Expo EAS account can be created here.

wipfli commented 1 month ago

@louwers can we use the same Apple account as we use in MapLibre Native?

wipfli commented 1 month ago

How much is one EAS build, how many builds do we expect per month?

wipfli commented 1 month ago

@louwers can you create an Expo EAS account and store the credentials in our password manager?

wipfli commented 1 month ago

If we need to store a token for some actions, we can store it in the global maplibre github org and share it with individual projects, or we can store it in projects directly. What do you think makes more sense here?