mapme-initiative / mapme.biodiversity

Efficient analysis of spatial biodiversity datasets for global portfolios
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Benchmarking with GEE: example with Wolf replication #141

Closed fBedecarrats closed 1 year ago

fBedecarrats commented 1 year ago

TL;DR: The paper by Wolf et al. published in 2021 in Nature Ecolology and Evolution represent I think the state of the art that we are trying to improve with this package. I am currently working on a replication of this study (see work in progress here) I found that the original code cannot run (see issues on the repo where the code is published) so I re-wrote everything. I think that we could use the code written for this replication to cross-validate result accuracy and benchmark performance with mapme.biodiversity. It could also inform best practices for PA impact estimation too (although that speaks more to the work hosted on the KfW repo for reproducible workflows. I'll try to sumarize here the insights we could glean from this ongoing replication.

Background: For the initial study, the authors used GEE to resize and fetch raster files (elevation, population density, time travel and GFC cover, loss, lossyear and gain)., to later on process it with different scripts combining python, R and Julia to prepare the data. There is at least one coding typo so the original code cannot run as is. The code used deprecated version of several packages, but even fetching older version, I get cryptic errors when running the preparation + matching script in Julia. I contacted the author, but he replied that he didn't know what the error message went and was not able to locate the package/software version used for the calculations of the initial study.

Data computation on GEE: I re-implemented the processing workflow by Wolf et al, but using GEE more extensively, thanks to the {rgee} package that interfaces with GEE API. The code is here. It runs in less than an hour and spits out rasters per country, that is small enough to be ingested by a normal computer.

Take-aways for the Mapme effort: I think there are a few strong points that we could incorporate in our current work:

  1. I think that Wolf et al. do not compute adequately the deforestation years. They downscale the pixels to 1km2 and they assign only one lossyear to the aggregated pixel, which is the mode of the underlying pixel. I fear that this alters not only the precision of outcome measurement, but also induces a biais, as it tends to lag the detected deforestation and therefore might under-estimate PA protection impact.
  2. Wolf et. al only select PAs that have a value of 0 in the field MARINE of WDPA. In other words, they elude the coastal areas (despite having mangroves among their biomes of interest).
  3. They substract forest loss with forest gains, but gains are only computed until 2012 and I think this was for a good reson: When the GFC V1 came out, there were strong critic that "forest cover gain" was actually "forest". Besides, it tends to minimise deforestation before 2013 compared to after, and therefore contribute to further under-estimation of PA protection impact.
  4. I am not sure yet on this, but they seem to reproject after dowscaling resolution and calculating slope (which is frowned upon in GEE documentation). I wonder if this might not be a problem also.

Sorry for the long thread, it's Friday.

fBedecarrats commented 1 year ago

@Shirobakaidou just sent me a snippet that helps computing deforestation per year on GEE. I'll incorporate it on this code to facilitate comparison of GEE vs. mapme for annual deforestation. Thanks @Shirobakaidou!

Jo-Schie commented 1 year ago

awesome analysis. Helps us to advance in several aspects and we should discuss them in detail @melvinhlwong. Some spontaneous thoughts:

Jo-Schie commented 1 year ago

Ok. Just saw that Curtis study maps drivers from 2001-2015 so we might consider them ... but it's a pity that they are not ongoing...

fBedecarrats commented 1 year ago

Ok. Just saw that Curtis study maps drivers from 2001-2015 so we might consider them ... but it's a pity that they are not ongoing...

Wait for my proposal on Monday! (it's already on the concept board) :-)

goergen95 commented 1 year ago

I think this thread is better suited in the discussion section? Or is there a direct link to an issue with the package that I am currently missing?

Jo-Schie commented 1 year ago

Yeah I think that too. Is it possible to convert?