ityid: nanaimo-city
cityname: Nanaimo
# Center of the map when loaded
# Coordinates as [LNG, LAT] (like GeoJSON, NOT like leaflet)
# (the leading dash is NOT a minus sign, it's a list item)
- 49.160023
- 123.956755
description: ''
# Preferably provide a transitfeeds.com location ID, e.g.
- 169-berlin-germany
# Or provide GTFS files like so
# Transitfeeds.com feed id if available
tf_feed_id: verkehrsverbund-berlin-brandenburg/213
# URL of Feed if tf_location_ids or tf_feed_id are not available
url: https://bctransit.com/servlet/bctransit/data/GTFS%20-%20Nanaimo
version: 1
# Zoom level when loaded
zoom: 12
(c) [Transit Agency Name](http://bctransit.com)
([Terms of Use](https://bctransit.com/*/footer/open-data/terms-of-use))