mapnik / python-mapnik

Python bindings for mapnik
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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python datasource input plugin missing #253

Open dolfandringa opened 2 years ago

dolfandringa commented 2 years ago

I am trying to make my own python datasource (and add docs for it). All code seems to be present in the python-mapnik repository, except for the python input plugin. But it's also not present in the mapnik repository afaiks.

I made a class in named GeopandasDatasource and then thought I needed to register it like this:

l.datasource = mapnik.Python(factory='geopandas_datasource:GeoPandasDataSource', gdf=frame)

but I get an error:

RuntimeError: Could not create datasource for type: 'python' (searched for datasource plugins in '/home/dolfandringa/Documents/GPS tracks, /usr/local/lib/mapnik/input')

And now that I dig deeper, in /usr/local/lib/mapnik/input I only see the following:


no python.input. And in the mapnik code there is also no code for one. But I can't find any code for it either in the python-mapnik. What am I missing here?

mathisloge commented 2 years ago

actually you would need to create a c++ plugin that wraps those. I don't know of any python plugin. All those other plugins are c++ libraries.

So you might be able to do this, but it would be a bit more complicated.

I would think of something like this:

  1. create a c++ mapnik plugin like the others
  2. the plugin loading of mapnik is as followed: load .input file and look for a symbol datasource_name and call it. This gets the name for the plugin under which it will be registered. Now, here it gets tricky: You would need to register e.g. a plugin called python which in turn have own bindings to load data from python calls (e.g. geopandas)

The symbols for plugins might change with upcoming mapnik v4