File: mp_hp_pat_impc.sssom.tsv
Invalid MP ID: MP:000095 abnormal spinal cord morphology skos:closeMatch HP:0002143 Abnormality of the spinal cord semapv:LexicalMatching
missing the final 5 on the ID should be MP:0000955
Invalid MP ID: MP:0007180 decreased brown fat amount skos:closeMatch HP:0005995 Decreased adipose tissue around neck semapv:LogicalReasoning
ID should be MP:0001780
Invalid MP ID: MP:0001782 increased white adipose tissue amount skos:closeMatch HP:0008993 Increased intraabdominal fat semapv:LogicalReasoning
ID should be MP:0000008
File: mp_hp_pat_impc.sssom.tsv Invalid MP ID: MP:000095 abnormal spinal cord morphology skos:closeMatch HP:0002143 Abnormality of the spinal cord semapv:LexicalMatching missing the final 5 on the ID should be MP:0000955 Invalid MP ID: MP:0007180 decreased brown fat amount skos:closeMatch HP:0005995 Decreased adipose tissue around neck semapv:LogicalReasoning ID should be MP:0001780 Invalid MP ID: MP:0001782 increased white adipose tissue amount skos:closeMatch HP:0008993 Increased intraabdominal fat semapv:LogicalReasoning ID should be MP:0000008