WARNING:sssom.parsers:One mapping in the mapping set is not well-formed, and therfore not included in the mapping set ({'subject_id': 'x:appendage', 'subject_label': 'appendage', 'predicate_id': 'owl:equivalentClass', 'predicate_modifier': nan, 'object_id': 'y:appendage', 'object_label': 'appendages', 'mapping_justification': 'semapv:SemanticSimilarityThresholdMatching', 'subject_source': 'x', 'object_source': 'y', 'mapping_tool': 'rdf_matcher', 'confidence': 0.840714406, 'subject_match_field': ['Label'], 'object_match_field': ['Label'], 'subject_category': 'biolink:AnatomicalEntity', 'object_category': 'biolink:AnatomicalEntity', 'match_string': ['appendag'], 'comment': '.'}). Error: Unknown PredicateModifierEnum enumeration code: nan
I'm getting a lot of errors like this - seems like nan should be interpreted as not having a PredicateModifierEnum
I'm getting a lot of errors like this - seems like nan should be interpreted as not having a PredicateModifierEnum