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Sourdough (Hamilton) #13

Open mapsam opened 4 years ago

mapsam commented 4 years ago

Feeding Starter

At each feeding discard excess starter if not making bread. Combine ingredients and refrigerate for up to ~2 weeks. Stir before use

Making bread

Levain (night before)

Bulk fermentation (4hr)

Shape & Proof (3hr or overnight)

Bake (45m per loaf)


mapsam commented 3 years ago

Going to start experimenting with ratios using (thanks @mourner!)

date flour water levain salt % hydration notes
2021-03-27 852 711 168 18.7 84.8% 1750 grams of dough with 84.9% hydration, 17.9% levain and 2% salt. Baked for 20 covered, 30 uncovered, left 10 hours in fridge and 4 out for bulk fermentation, then 1.5 for proving in boules. Spongey, great flavor, not too difficult to work with
2021-04-02 839 728 165 18.4 88% 1750 grams of dough with 88% hydration, 17.9% levain and 2% salt. 80/20 bread/whole wheat
2023-09-26 643 500 143 15 80% ✨ this one is a keeper, 1300 grams of dough, 110 whole wheat / 533 bread flour, bake 20 minutes in the dutch oven with top on, 25 off (a little shorter than normal) to keep it soft for a few more days