mapschool / course

An introduction to the art and science of modern cartography
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Introduction: Self Cartography – I #24

Closed rasagy closed 6 years ago

rasagy commented 6 years ago

Let’s kickstart this Digital Cartography module with a short exploration on how we visually encode data. We’ll use this beautiful project by Giorgia Lupi: Drawing your own selfie

Let’s create our own data-selfie and post here in comments. Let’s make this digitally on a 800x800px canvas. Feel free to use an image-editing tool of your choice (Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch etc.).

rasagy commented 6 years ago

Here’s mine:

data selfie - rasagy

(Rasagy Sharma)

holy-devil commented 6 years ago


selfieartboard 1 2x
vinodxyz commented 6 years ago

vinod s selfie 2

(Vinod Kumar)

aromalram commented 6 years ago

aromal_data selfie

DyoNDyyo commented 6 years ago



BarshaP14 commented 6 years ago

barsha -Barsha

niranjan41 commented 6 years ago


rasagy commented 6 years ago

Awesome work everyone! Let’s close this for now. If other classmates who’re on leave want to share their data-selfies, they can comment here — we can eventually make a poster for the whole class. 🎉

DarthElevator commented 6 years ago


Hey, I am Nikhil and i am from the Info D 2017 batch. This is my data selfie. This was a fun exercise :)