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Apps with maps Assignment #31

Closed rasagy closed 6 years ago

rasagy commented 6 years ago

Hey @mapschool/infdpg16, let’s use this ticket to discuss the map UI assignment.

The goal of the assignment is to pick a common use-case (booking a flight, finding a store to shop at, meeting people with shared interests etc.), research the UI of different apps that solve this use case, and explore how a well designed map with effective visualization & interactivity could lead to a better design.

The assignment has two major deliverables:

  1. Competitive analysis of the apps in the domain
  2. Your design solution with a map as a prototype

Major dates

Like #30, this assignment is anchored by Prof. Chakradhar. Both @planemad & I will be happy to provide further feedback & support.


Please post your topics as comments, and feel free to update the comment or post new comments to share progress/questions.

vinodxyz commented 6 years ago

Connect to people with similar interests

An app that connects you to others of similar interests, around you. The existing app is: Causr

How it works?

  1. Update your status, with your interest (eg: dataviz)
  2. See people with this interest, around you
  3. Connect and chat

Currently, this app displays a list of folks around, after following the above steps. This interface can be improved tremendously, with a map.

eventbrite flow meetup screensv1

aromalram commented 6 years ago

A map based interface for BDA (Bangalore Development Authority) Website

BDA (Bangalore Develoment Authority) or any Urban Development Authority in India currently don't have a map based interface for giving out information.

Since they deal with urban level data it would help a user better understand the urban level information that is laid out on a map including upcoming proposals, projects, landuse, events and etc. It could also be a part of a platform for the volunteers and citizens to mark any issues or problems to be brought to the concerned authority's notice.

It could help a citizen be better aware of the area around him and be connected with the upcoming plans and proposals of the urban development authority.

Possible Layers for a map: Land Use, Proposals, Environment Layers, Master Plans, Electoral Boundaries, Land/Property Records/Taxation, Community Participation

Preliminary Wireframe

bda website_1


0 grid 1440 1

0 grid 1440 2

0 grid 1440

holy-devil commented 6 years ago

A map based interface feature for Nearbuy app/website

What it does: User can explore offers at restaurants, spas, gyms, movies, hotels etc. and purchase them.

Currently the app/website just lists the offers using card listing, the experience can be improved using map interface, thus making it truly 'nearbuy'.

Concept images: image image

BarshaP14 commented 6 years ago

A map based interface for hotel booking apps like OYO Rooms

Need for improvisation:

  1. With the help of map based interaction nearest hotels to any landmark could be shown in better way.
  2. A clear comparison of distance and prices could be done.
  3. Map look and feel could be customised according to the app.

Current situation: On the home page primary Search for any hotel is done by asking nearest location name, and time period of stay. Then the complete list of hotels is displayed. Once you select a particular hotel and are done with booking it shows the location at the end.

iamreetika commented 6 years ago

A map based UI for a medical app that allows user:

This can be explored for apps like Practo / 1mg / Netmeds / PharmEasy / Medlife.

pkd2512 commented 6 years ago

Flight booking and last mile travel to destination in a city

Flight booking apps can use a map based UI to show flights and prices which can be a more visual way of consuming the information over traditional table structure. Also, they can add a nice to have feature of suggesting a last mile transport from the airport to the destination.

Tumb13weed commented 6 years ago

Finding that person is now a walk in the park. Literally.

I'm thinking of an app for meeting people, which matches you based on places where you both like hanging out. Be it this fancy café which is your go-to place on a winter evening, or the quaint park that is lush with blossoms in the wake of spring (and also fitness-conscious uncles who give you judgmental stares).

How the map aids the app Location is key in this app, and users are matched primarily by location. This helps in several manners. Firstly, these locations are public, so the chances of date-harassment are low. Second, the location is known and familiar to the people who are meeting, so they do not feel the friction of a new place. Third, places are almost always automatically matched with an activity (for example, people probably go to a food street to eat), so it helps with the "what do we do when we first meet?" bit. And last but not the least, if it doesn't work out between you two, you know where to find him on a Sunday evening (just make sure you make it look like an accident).

How do you turn this on The app has three components - the map, an event dashboard and an instant messenger. The onboarding is as with any other dating app, with people providing their basic information. From thereon, they are led to the map. Geographical locations are mapped to activities, which are showed with icons (for example, the icon of a bird on a lake suggesting birdwatching). If it's a large area rather than an establishment, the map also helps pick a meeting point (e.g. visiting Indiranagar? Meet outside McDonalds). Additionally, it provides a list of upcoming events, like photowalks, poetry slams etc, which again could serve as the place to meet. Finally, the instant messenger helps users finalise on the finer details of the meetups.

faaizasaeed commented 6 years ago

Map intervention for news apps (like BBC, CNN etc):

Feature requirement

User can choose a location on map (point or area) and the list of news stories of that area should show in a chronological order.

Feature highlights:

  1. View news stories from a selected location.
  2. View news stories from a selected area of interest (input range of location).
  3. View archived news stories from a selected location/area of interest. (input date/range of dates)
  4. Secondary importance: User being able to submit a news story tagged with a location. Users can view stories submitted by other users in their location based news.


Final update:

Updated with the final concept and screens. (I'm thinking of adding local weather to the app as well, but it's a completely new feature, so will be doing after jury :) )

slide 1 slide 2 slide 3 slide 4
rasagy commented 6 years ago

Thanks to everyone who took time to update the screens here — closing this but feel free to take a minute to update your work if you still haven’t! ;)