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Schematic hometown maps #37

Closed rasagy closed 5 years ago

rasagy commented 5 years ago

Similar to #27, let’s pick our own hometowns and make schematic maps. Make sure you post the process, and not just the final output!


Get inspired by the story behind the most seminal schematic map: London Underground Map by Harry Beck, and a critique of the old design along with some interesting alternatives in this TEDx talk on usability of metro maps.

Closer home, have a look at the Isometric & Schematic map of the IIT B by Prof. Mandar Rane.

Here is the process behind one of my schematic maps: Andamanese Language Map.

A Guardian article featuring animations transforming schematic maps into geographically accurate representations.

A great collection of schematic maps of most cities around the world created by INAT, like Delhi & Mumbai.

Essays on Digital Cartography by Justin O’Beirne.

Maki icon set for using quick icons under CC0 license.

David Rumsey’s huge map collection for some vintage cartography inspiration.

The Five Elements for forming a mental model of a city, from Kevin Lynch’s book The Image of the City.

naveenshaji commented 5 years ago

Tourist Map of Trivandrum, Kerala

This post will be updated with newer versions as I continue to work on it.

Roadmap (no pun intended)

ThuliChishi commented 5 years ago

Schematic map for Kohima, progress.

  1. Understanding the map area. More familiar to me is the small town of Kohima, I picked my hometown and decided to map out some prominent landmarks that everyone knows of back home. Most interestingly these points seem to be along the length of the highway. whatsapp image 2018-08-29 at 12 32 00 pm schematic map of nagalandartboard 2-80 First an outline of the town was traced and then the main highway that runs through the town was traced. schematic map of nagalandartboard 3-80 The points of interest were plotted around the highway. schematic map of nagalandartboard 7-80 What if i turn it this way? schematic map of nagalandartboard 8-80 And maybe make the road more organic like the real representation of the contours and mess of veins the roads in Kohima's satellite image looks like. schematic map of nagalandartboard 9-80 Final image, changed the colour scheme. Added tress to indicate the town surrounded by forest areas. final map of nagalandartboard 10-80
nebinbiju1 commented 5 years ago

Schematic map of Kochi, Kerala. The process I started by looking for the major tourist attractions of kochi and marked out the important roads and the major highways connecting those places on a physical map. This eliminated the roads which are less significant. img-2640

The same thing was traced on Adobe Illustrator. 2-01

The roads where simplified and drawn with constrained angles. I could identify a major highway passing through the city from which the other roads emerged. I took that road as my axis of the map and aligned along the diagonal of the frame. 3-01

The backwaters were plotted and was slightly adjusted according to the placement of roads. but still tried to maintain the rough shape of the water. 4-01

Major places were plotted along with the tourist attractions. 5-01

Why black and white when the city is colorful!!!

6-01 Some roads which are less significant from the previous step are also removed.

Trying to improve further..

Following were the feedback that I got from Rasagy and Prof Venkatesh.

Keeping all these in mind I made the changes and the new map is shown below.


pranjalmeena commented 5 years ago

Schematic map of Ahmedabad I observed the map for a while and traced it to get a better idea of the major roads that connect the different parts of the city. aaa5a264-0e78-403d-951b-d7028da50e6d

After getting a basic idea of how the roads are I tried observing patterns, forms in the traced version. I abstracted the actual roads to something simple. 256faac8-eb17-43f6-8c34-acc6f5fc93e5

I then added more details to the map. 63f0e012-831d-4bc7-88b8-9d6c4c80322f

I added the major tourist attractions and the made the basic layout of the schematic map. schematic map

Added some major details like BRTS route. schematic map

TapiaRidhima commented 5 years ago

final-04 I picked my hometown and studied the map. Outlining the general area I sketched it according to my familiarity of the place. The routes taken and the places are plotted from the perspective of a local and their everyday journey through the town. artboard1-01

artboard2-04 artboard5final-05



RishabhMakes commented 5 years ago

I wanted to make the map of Hisar. My first point of starting was Mapbox, since I knew I can switch off layers and make the abstraction process faster.

artboard 2

Soon enough I realised that there was a lot of missing data and roads. It started with the lack of points of interests. Then I went on to further realise the lack of the newer roads and highways as well.

Moved to Google Maps

artboard 3

During the geometric exploration I was unsure of putting the triangle or just keeping it a circle. Late into the night a tortoise emerged as well. The metaphor of a tortoise made sense as Hisar is what one would call a 'slow' town. So here goes...

artboard 4

The final push? untitled

rishabh map finalll-01

After struggling with colour schemes for a while, I fixed on the greys since they seem to work, albeit resulting in a boring looking but functional map

richavagrawal commented 5 years ago

Schematic map of Chembur,

I started by trying to re-create and identify the patterns created by the roads and landmarks of Chembur, by tracing over Google maps.

work in progress 1

The map above showed only the major roads, and I could not really identify any unique characteristics after my first trace, so I decided to trace over a more zoomed in version of the map which contained more roads and gardens.

work in progress 2

My second trace also did not express any one unique characteristic strongly, but I was able to somewhat identify two directions my schematic map could take, and I drew them out in my sketchbook.


Both the ideas utilized geometry. One idea was to create the schematic map using certain prominent shapes as observed while tracing. The second idea was to highlight the angular pattern created by the roads and the geometric placement of landmarks like gardens.

I saw more potential in the second idea and decided to go ahead with that.

work in progress 3

I realised a strong visual language created by the roads, and decided to incorporate that in my icons as well as typography.

work in progress 5

I would like to try out the following, in further iterations

supriyaDutta commented 5 years ago

Schematic map of Jorhat town. Highlighting the highways that connect to Jorhat town and all frequent familiar places, this is the process.

Explorations of the map area screenshot_2-02 screenshot_2-03

Highlighting the national highways untitled-1

And... saw this(almost) butterfly-05

Explorations screenshot_13

Added legends! sample23


The MAP:

jorhat map2-01

varshav28 commented 5 years ago

Schematic Map of Tampines, Singapore

Since I have not actually lived in my hometown, I decided to do the area I am currently living and studying in. I chose to highlight the nearest and best food spots for students, along with the best mode of transport to get there.

I started with analysing the area and identifying the main roads. sutd-2

Next, I tried to simplify the map and abstract it as much as possible roughly on paper.


After tracing the outline of the area I wanted to cover, I mapped the routes to the respective food places. I also marked some significant landmarks around the college.


kiranprasanth commented 5 years ago

Schematic map of Trivandrum WIP. kiran_176330008 Isometric view, map visualisation 2.5D. Experimental attempt to highlight landmarks in trivandrum city.

supriyaDutta commented 5 years ago

map-01 map-02 map-03 map-04

Annu - 176330009 work in progress Jaipur shown as a tourist spot using a trolley as outline !

ArunJRK commented 5 years ago

Palani Schematic Map screenshot 109 Google Maps Original map schematics artboard 2 First sketch map schematics artboard 2 copy First abstraction map schematics artboard 2 copy 2 Second abstraction. schema map sub ultimate Third Iteration

3schema map ultimate 1

Sun Mushroom Final Map

AarchaSuresh commented 5 years ago

I started tracing the outline of Trivandrum City first, by making 3 different abstract outlines, without referring to the previous ones.


Keeping all three together, I made the final outline. After i had traced out NH66, I plotted the airport and the railway station. Following that, I proceeded to plot main tourist attractions, few hospitals and restaurants and connected the the railway station and the airport to all these locations, for better continuity. image

artboard 1tvm

Considering the feedback given by the class, I further abstracted out the coast line, and gave more emphasis on the airport and the railway station, for easy navigation.


manasvhanmane commented 5 years ago

Chinchwad Map. dvartboard 1

Process: mapartboard 11 Two maps I found. The left one is from an old government report. The one on the right is the current Google Map.

mapartboard 1 copy1 I didn't want curvy roads. So I traced the Major Highways geometrically.

mapartboard 1 copy 21 Similarly, the streets. I only chose to highlight lanes which are 4 lanes or bigger.

mapartboard 1 copy 41 There is a railway line passing through the city, but it isn't of much significance as only a few trains plying between Pune and Mumbai stop there.

mapartboard 1 copy 51 The multiple rivers lines around the land mass basically set the boundaries of the city. One Major river even passes through the heart of it.

mapartboard 1 copy 71 I want to make the streets more geometric, so this is still a work in progress.

dvartboard 1 copy Reduced a lot of elements.

Finally cleaned it up.

Final: dvartboard 1

enlinquental commented 5 years ago

I picked my home town, Vellayambalam, situated at Trivandrum, Kerala.

First I started tracing the main road and Killi river. vellayambalam_2

Started adding junctions and bus stops. vellayambalam_3

Then filling necessary text. vellayambalam_4

Started tracing lanes( short cuts ) that connects main roads, important building areas. vellayambalam_6

I haven't finished on making the map schematic. Task remaining : Labelling, Legends.

From the feedbacks I got, I changed the text field to horizontal, but didn't fix the alignment because at some places the text can overlay on junction or road and I want a user to clearly see the roads. I fixed hue of the road with varying saturation - a higher value means the main road ( major / important road ) and a lower value means street lanes.

I started adding icons and made legend for the same. vellayambalam_10-01

Seems like the above picture has something missing or odd with the layout. So I changed to this : vellayambalam_10-02

I like this one than the earlier picture having legends, but I am open to suggestions for both maps. I wish to refine the schematic and visual design of the map.

jonathanmathew commented 5 years ago

I Took up the City of Chennai, Looking specifically at the Rail Transit system.



4 1

4 2



Image Above is the rough schematic work In progress. Loads of work left to do!

// The Updated map, Where the people and their image of the city are considered by splitting them into zones and aligning them to their mental image of destinations and their parallel stations across railway lines.

screen shot 2018-09-18 at 6 42 03 am
advaitmb commented 5 years ago

image After looking at the map of thane on Google maps, it was interesting to see the highway creating a hexagonal shape around the city.

image I hence decided to stick to a 30-60 degree grid and build the aesthetic around it.

thane map recovered -01 This is the final schematic map of Thane city.

r1ckrck commented 5 years ago

kolkata map That's Kolkata. mymap_mykolkata And that's Kolkata through my eyes. Now lets see how I went about it. step 1 step 7 step 9 mymap_mykolkata mymap_mykolkata Improving readability? Thank You :) Arnesh Mandal 16U130017

savshikha commented 5 years ago

To start off, I first took a screenshot of Mumbai from Google Maps and started tracing it on Illustrator using the pen tool. I tried a few out before incessantly using the shift button, just to get a sense of the city's lines. While doing this, I realised that having a sense of what is unique to the city's silhouette is more essential than just following lines. It helps one decide what can be reduced and what needs to stay. I best visualise the city as a long mass of land (/island?) broken into different areas. I wanted to incorporate that sense onto my map. So I decided to break it up into different areas, with reference to an already existing map. I kept at my iterations until I was satisfied with my abstraction.

artboard 3 4x artboard 5 4x artboard 13 4x artboard 16 4x The final abstraction

Side note: At one point the image traced map began to look quite familiar to a Ganpati's face. I gave myself some minutes to try it out before that I realized that it didn't work. artboard 21 4x

For points of interest I decided to narrow down to places that are representative of the city. For example places related to finance, heritage, bollywood, sports, etc., Also wanted to try out a quirky aesthetic..

artboard 17 4x

Post this, I received a lot of pointers and feedback to work on, during class (maki icons, halo effect, extended transit lines etc.), which I have attempted to incorporate in my (almost final) map below,

artboard 14 4x

I wish to add further POIs to the map, also polish it's overall visual design.

kapadiaparth commented 5 years ago

Tourist Map of Ahmedabad, Gujarat

ahmd map



kiranprasanth commented 5 years ago

Kiran Here, The place I choose was Palayam from Trivandrum. I tried to experiment with a new way to look at Trivandrum's Layout map through Isometric/ 2.5D View. My process was simple, -Abstracted the existing map -Identifying land marks and illustrated them -Orienting the isometric View. -Putting it all together.

Checkout the map below! :D

trivandrum map

smokeybot7 commented 5 years ago

Schematic Map By Angela

I chose TAPS 1&2 Township for the Schematic map visualisation. The colony is a residential township for the employees of DAE, NPCIL and TAPP. This is where I spent almost my entire childhood. The map however, focuses on only the spots around my house that I visited very frequently during my school days.

  1. Map of Boisar 1

  2. Here I decided to focus only on TAPS 1&2 colony 1a

  3. A very simple outline of roads inside the colony and the places I wanted to point. 2

  4. Hmm, well it looks very simple and I don't find much function in it. So I took up the scenario of when we had visitors and relatives came over to our place and how we gave them directions to our house. Petrol Pump was very important as the entrance to TAPS 1&2 colony was right opposite to it. (We didn't want them to enter through the BARC Main gate and make it more complicated to find our house 🏠😛)

  5. And then came the 'abstraction' part. Hmm, its a colony full of people who work of the Nuclear Power Plant. How about the atom symbol for an inspiration? This time I took my school logo.

  6. Wondering if that worked? Nah... But I realised the colony has got very systematic roads and zones almost grid-like in looks. So I stuck to basic geometric shapes and straight lines. (and rounded corners for the looks)

Here's the final result! map

P.S I don't live here anymore. haha!

tarunmugunthan commented 5 years ago

Step 1 : Screenshot and tracing major roads and the river asset 1

Step 2 : Simplifying the structure... asset 2

Step 3 : Adding the smaller roads and highways outside. asset 3

Step 4 : Creating the map.. asset 4

Step 5 : Adding landmarks, attractions, road labels and area names. asset 5

To be taken forward as a long term project. :) ~Tarun Mugunthan.

VishnuPriyan1998 commented 5 years ago

Schematic Map of Tiruchirapalli

I started off with a screenshot from google, and traced the important roads, and other tourist attractions.

step 1

Identified any possible simplifications and abstractions, and abstracted it

step 2 step2 1

Added more info and simplified it further by removing less important roads etc.


Finally fixed this as my last iteration of the schematic map.

artboard 2-12

Abhi98krishna commented 5 years ago

I chose the city of DOHA, where I grew up. Doha is a city by the Arabian Sea. The city is built around a C shaped shoreline. The first step for me was to identify a suitable angle. unnamed

I then marked out the major ring roads [A-F] and other important roads. 58464

On further simplification 46106

Another level of simplification to attain consistency in angles 21817

After adding few of the major landmarks and final adjustments, asset 2 4x-100

I'm looking to soon add more detail in the roads and terrain.

VarunVikash commented 5 years ago

1-100 2-100 3-100 4-100

rasagy commented 5 years ago

Thanks everyone for updating and presenting your schematic maps this week. Going ahead and closing this thread!