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An introduction to the art and science of modern cartography
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Data Tools #45

Closed maulicule closed 3 years ago

maulicule commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone,

Just thought we could contribute our bit to MapSchool by creating a (non-exhaustive, of course) pool of resources that could be used.

This issue is meant for DataViz tools and parallel resources we find along the way, especially pertaining to GeoViz. We've all been there, wishing there were a single place which could guide us to the right data tool, and this is a step in that direction. There could be better ways to do this, but here's for a start.

Just so we can all Cmd+F (or Ctrl+F, for all Windows users out there) better, it would be nice if we could maintain a common format (likely to improve through suggestions, so please go ahead and add in your views about this too):

Just to remember, we're pooling tools and resources here, so we can all search for them when the time comes. Hope we can all spare a few moments to make lives a tiny bit easier for all of us.

Happy GeoVizzing! -Maulashree 🤓

maulicule commented 4 years ago

Mapbox Cartogram

Link: You can find Mapbox Cartogram here Type: Map Styling Coding Requirement: None What it lets us do: Drag and drop images to create map styles using colours taken from the image Screenshot 2019-09-07 at 00 33 07 Input type: Image files - jpg, etc. Output: Map style for use in [Mapbox Studio]() Keywords: Map styling, aesthetics, style, colour

planemad commented 4 years ago

Wonderful @maulicule, this could be quite useful.

Map Scrollytelling Template

Link: Type: Map Story Coding Requirement: Minimal

Build a scrolling map based story with text annotation and map animations by just editing a text template. No coding knowledge is required. Read more on the Mapbox blog

Input type: Text file with the story content, Mapbox Map style Output: Interactive HTML Keywords: Storytelling